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Thursday 29th October 2009 09:16:24 AM

lti-percussionist Lung Heung-wing received his Doctoral degree in Music from West Virginia University, USA, being a holder of five diplomas and licentiates from the Juilliard School in the US, the Royal College of Music, the Royal Academy of Music, the Trinity College of Music, and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in the UK. Lung was the former Principal Percussionist at the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. He is a leading percussionist with numerous awards including: Instrumentalist of the Year (Hong Kong Artist Guild), Royal Overseas League Music Festival Competition Finalist Prize, David Stone Award and the Hong Kong's Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award in 1999. In 2002 and 2007, he led 10,000 young percussionists in a performance to mark the fifth and the tenth anniversaries of Hong Kong's return to China respectively and both events set world records. In 2007, he was awarded the "Secretary for Home Affair's Commendation" for his efforts in promoting the art of percussion music. He has teamed up with his son Mark since 1997, performing in North America, Europe, and throughout Asia. Currently, he is the University Artist of The University of Hong Kong 2009-2010, working closely with colleagues, practitioners and students in the University and the community at large.

I met Lung when he was studying for his PhD in WVU almost ten years ago. He was guest at my house and we had good times together with friends from the church. Picnic by the lake-house, boating, group discussions and the finale concert for his doctorate degree¡K..a lot of memories. Excited to see Lung on the news. Congratulation, Às¦Vºa, you have come a long way!



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