timfan :: Nepal journey

8-day trip, 3 to 10 Feb 2011

Visits: 907 times
Last changed: Feb 15, 2011
11 items in this album
Album: Amiable Nepalese
Nepalese gave me a very amiable impression. Although Nepal is not an advanced country, people there, particularly the kids, look satisfied with their lives. It made me reflect what happy life is, it may not be about materialistic but about satisfied with what we have. 

Changed: Feb 20, 2011.
Contains: 58 items.
Viewed: 415 times.
Album: Kind faces

Changed: Feb 13, 2011.
Contains: 36 items.
Viewed: 323 times.
Album: Bhaktapur ancient city 巴克塔布
Bhaktapur is the third largest city in Kathmandu valley and was once the capital of Nepal during the great Malla Kingdom until the second half of the 15th century.

Bhaktapur is listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO for its rich culture, temples, and wood, metal and stone artwork.

Changed: Feb 13, 2011.
Contains: 30 items.
Viewed: 549 times.
Album: Patan 巴騰古城
Patan is one of the sub-metropolitan cities of Nepal located in the south-western part of Kathmandu valley. It is best known for its rich cultural heritage, particularly its tradition of arts and crafts. It is also called as city of festival and feast, fine ancient art, making of metallic and stone carving statue.

Changed: Feb 13, 2011.
Contains: 12 items.
Viewed: 574 times.
Album: Boudhanath stupa
The influx of large populations of Tibetan refugees from China has seen the construction of over 50 Tibetan Gompas (Monasteries) around Boudhanath. As of 1979, Boudhanath is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Changed: Feb 14, 2011.
Contains: 28 items.
Viewed: 520 times.
Album: Durbar Square_Kathmandu Metropolitan City
The Durbar square is surrounded by spectacular architecture and vividly showcases the skills of the Newari artists and craftsmen over several centuries. The royal palace was originally situated at Dattaraya square and was only later moved to the Durbar square location.

Changed: Feb 15, 2011.
Contains: 34 items.
Viewed: 365 times.
Album: Monkey Temple
Swoyambhunath is an ancient religious complex atop a hill in the Kathmandu Valley, west of Kathmandu city. It is also known as the Monkey Temple as there are holy monkeys living in parts of the temple in the north-west.

Changed: Feb 15, 2011.
Contains: 13 items.
Viewed: 445 times.
Album: Annapurna Trekking route
      Dhampus, Fishtail Mountain

Changed: Feb 20, 2011.
Contains: 15 items.
Viewed: 332 times.
Album: Dhulikhel Mountain
Dhulikhel is a mountain city of Nepal, a good point for viewing the sunrise of Himalaya mountains.

Changed: Feb 20, 2011.
Contains: 7 items.
Viewed: 342 times.
Album: Moody Lights

Changed: Feb 15, 2011.
Contains: 10 items.
Viewed: 333 times.
Album: Street Shots

Changed: Feb 17, 2011.
Contains: 9 items.
Viewed: 334 times.
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