timfan :: 和媽媽去開平碉樓及赤坎古鎮
    23/4-25/4/2011, 3-day trip
Visits: 664 times
Last changed: Apr 28, 2011
6 items in this album
Album: 自力村碉樓群
Through these old castle buildings, you can savor the hardship of overseas Chinese in Guangdong province. They were forced to emigrate to the so-called "golden mountain in the US" in the 19th century, earned the money by constructing railways and then returned to their hometowns, built the grand houses to glorify the deseased and prevent the invasion of bandits. Then , coming the Japanese invasion, they got no choice but fled again... ; leaving the houses empty.
It recorded the miserable history of the overseas Chinese in the past centuries...  

Changed: Apr 28, 2011.
Contains: 51 items.
Viewed: 429 times.
Album: 赤坎古鎮
始建於清朝由司徒氏家族和關氏家族, 在一片赤色坎地上開發起來的墟鎮

Changed: May 01, 2011.
Contains: 15 items.
Viewed: 360 times.
Album: 錦江里碉樓群

Changed: Apr 30, 2011.
Contains: 27 items.
Viewed: 478 times.
Album: 馬降龍村碉樓群

Changed: May 01, 2011.
Contains: 10 items.
Viewed: 337 times.
Album: 立園

Changed: May 02, 2011.
Contains: 26 items.
Viewed: 434 times.
Album: 三門里的迎龍樓

Changed: May 02, 2011.
Contains: 13 items.
Viewed: 383 times.
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