Timmy So :: Wonderful World

My Footprints  (background music: Horizon Variations, by Max Richter)

Visits: 9092 times
Last changed: Jan 30, 2020
39 items in this album
Album: Москва и Санкт-Петербург 2020


Changed: Jan 30, 2020.
Contains: 24 items.
Viewed: 153 times.
Album: Cuba 2019

From Varadero to Havana, what supposed to be a trip for worshippers of photography turned out to be a vacation without much planning.  Perhaps it's not the best time for a leisure trip.  Perhaps I just needed this moment to set my mind free in this isolated country.  Perhaps I was not in the mood of submerging into the worry free world of Caribbean music. Perhaps it was all the uncertainties...

Quizás, Quizás, Quizás

Changed: Sep 09, 2019.
Contains: 28 items.
Viewed: 144 times.
Album: Xian, Wa-Shan西安丶華山 2018


Changed: May 09, 2018.
Contains: 24 items.
Viewed: 207 times.
Album: Takayama, Japan 2018

Changed: Mar 24, 2018.
Contains: 19 items.
Viewed: 265 times.
Album: Italy 2017

Cherished memories built atop dust over millenniums. We've left not a sign remain:
in the canals of Venice, the hilltop of Michalangelo's Piazza, the disappearing castle of Bagnoregio.
In a 300 year old cafe we sip in the aroma of a flourishing past.

Changed: Mar 26, 2018.
Contains: 131 items.
Viewed: 333 times.
L10032563992 x 5976
Album: Penang, Malaysia 2017

Changed: May 30, 2017.
Contains: 9 items.
Viewed: 342 times.
Album: Sri Lanka 2016

Family trip to Sri Lanka.  There were so many wildlifes and so much culture in this Buddish nation. Some scenics there are not found elsewhere.  I wish I can be there again.

Changed: Apr 12, 2016.
Contains: 28 items.
Viewed: 394 times.
Album: Delhi & Mumbai 2013

Project trips to India. I always find someone new on each visit to this country. That may not be the cup of tea for people who are so used to modern standard of living. But think about it this way, we must have long forgotten the way how human used to live on this planet. How people connect to each other. How we overcome difficulties with bare hands and feet. What are luxuries and what are necessities. It is the simplest yet the most complicated country I have ever visited. My cup of Masala tea is still warm....

Changed: Aug 24, 2015.
Contains: 42 items.
Viewed: 638 times.
Album: Sabah, Malaysia
It was a summer vacation with whole family, in the tranqulity of a resort north of Sabah, Malaysia.  Alongside with it, an endless beach facing sunset, where unique species of lizard can be found.  The sand is of the finest I have ever seen, and fishes are next to my feet, swimming in 6 inches swallow water.  You can't find nature anymore once you are surrounded by it. [Background music: 最後的浪花,, from movie "那些年,我們追過的女孩"]

Changed: Sep 29, 2011.
Contains: 26 items.
Viewed: 488 times.
Album: Osaka and Kyoto

平成22年歲末北國之秋,遊走在綴綴鮮豔火紅與金黃的步道中.竹林聽雨,楓林晚飄香,大有「霜葉紅于二月花」的詩意. 我和嘉敏徐徐上路,於長滿青苔的石坂階梯上,復印出古平安京的步履...

鮮やかな赤や金の茂みの間の歩道の上を歩いて平成22年京都の秋。 竹林の雨の音を聞くと夜の楓の香りで、上記ものとして詩的な、"雪の紅葉、2月の花よりも強力な赤色を持っています。" 私と妻は、苔むした石段上にゆっくりと歩いた、平安京の時代の足跡を繰り返しました。 [Background music: OST from JIN-仁 by 髙見優 ]

Changed: Apr 05, 2011.
Contains: 43 items.
Viewed: 517 times.
Album: Turkey

Istanbul is perhaps a city where I most wanted to go under my passion towards history. From the Byzantine to the Ottoman Empire, civilizations learn how to live among differences between the east and west, between races, religions and languages. Wisdom was accumulated through countless bitterness like one tastes from Turkish coffee. In the trip across Anatolia, I journey through the history of the middle east...[Background music: Ce He Mise Le Ulaingt? (The Two Trees) , by Loreena McKennitt]

Changed: Jul 21, 2009.
Contains: 45 items.
Viewed: 919 times.

Album: Egypt
[Background music: The Burning Bush, by Hans Zimmer, from movie "The Prince of Egypt"]

Changed: Feb 05, 2009.
Contains: 28 items.
Viewed: 1159 times.
Album: Seoul, South Korea

The second time to Seoul was 9 years after my first visit. There wasn’t much change: similar lifestyles in the city’s bustling shopping area, crowded wet markets, riot police, and demonstrations…lots of demonstrations. Korean never lacks the momentum for innovation and to out win their neighbors. Yet in the midst of prosperity, the city cuddles under a fear and a hope of long lasting peace.[Background music: 책갈피 | Reminisence - INST, by 하정호]

Changed: Mar 12, 2009.
Contains: 19 items.
Viewed: 1053 times.
Album: Cape Town, South Africa

George and I spent the relexing weekend in the middle of some hardworking weeks in Cape Town. As we reached the Cape Point, the end of the world, we've found ourselves embraced by the two oceans meeting in front of the cliff; we were welcomed by the strong sea breeze, like standing in the midst of a taiphoon on a sunny day. Was that a sign to rest and stop, or perhaps to return home? Or was that just marking another milestone in life? [Background music: 夕暮れ(Instrumental), by 安全地帯]

Changed: May 04, 2008.
Contains: 9 items.
Viewed: 1015 times.
Album: Streets of London

The moisture in the ancient streets of London -- an old tea stain in the rim of china antique. There's so much history to taste. As an anonymous bystander of others life, I lingered on many stone paved alleys and crossroads, I wondered what will be coming next at the far end of the journey. [Background music: Reflection, by Secret Garden]

Changed: Nov 20, 2010.
Contains: 17 items.
Viewed: 1184 times.
Album: South Africa Safari

[Background music: Shona Malanga, by Philip Miller]

Changed: Mar 07, 2010.
Contains: 13 items.
Viewed: 1068 times.
Album: Siem Reap, Cambodia

This is a second visit to Siem Reap, Cambodia after 7 years. There are always something new to explore among this ancient jungle of civilization ruins. People can easily find escape from the modern world with each piece of unique handcrafted stone. I use this place, however, to build up unique memories with my fiancee and my dear friend. [Background music: Angkor Wat Theme II, by Michael Galasso, from movie "In the mood for love"]

Changed: Dec 30, 2007.
Contains: 51 items.
Viewed: 5559 times.
Album: Yuen Nam 雲撓南疆
[Background music: Sadness -- Frozen Silence]

Changed: Jun 02, 2007.
Contains: 31 items.
Viewed: 2141 times.
Album: Switzerland

There wasn't much to remember in my trip to Switzerland.
. . . except the romantic hours with Carman on the rainly streets of Zurich
. . . except the train rides, with endless laugher and chat with Kieron my lonely friend
. . . except the snowy mountains and fresh air which can't be substituted by the chocolate one can take home with

. . . other then these precious things, I could have been to anywhere.
[Background music: 記載事項なし, by 大橋恵]

Changed: Mar 20, 2008.
Contains: 21 items.
Viewed: 1115 times.
Album: Delhi, India II

Changed: Aug 03, 2006.
Contains: 6 items.
Viewed: 1310 times.
Album: Mumbai, India

Changed: Jul 28, 2006.
Contains: 12 items.
Viewed: 1362 times.
Album: Agra, India
Passion in the form of marble white;
an emperor's love wrought in living stones.
Under his teardrops she was laid,
through centuries to eternity...

[background music: 思念與對視, from 新絲綢之路 the new silk road]

Changed: Aug 23, 2006.
Contains: 11 items.
Viewed: 1720 times.
Album: Shanghai Illusions 迷失上海

06年4月,因工事在上海呆上了短短三天.跟舊同事吃飯打諢,發現這紫碎金迷的城市表層下,生活著許多迷失了的一群,在物質的糜爛中忘記了自己的名字.而支持著這燦爛都市的最下層,卻是默默附出血汗卻得不到最基本保障的勞動人口.令人驚愕的是,這種極端的貧富差異,在沒有宗教的麻醉或封建系統本命論的薰陶下,居然可以維持著.我坐上耗資300多億元的磁浮列車,離開繁華的上海,不禁暗自抽了一口涼氣... [background music: The Black Pearl]

Changed: Apr 10, 2006.
Contains: 5 items.
Viewed: 1522 times.
Album: Delhi, India
Mar 2006, on my second trip to Delhi.  My colleague and I were driven around the city by our company's driver, Amar.  Amar is a nice and attentive driver who is always patient and enthusiastic showing us beautiful places one after another.  I thank him so much.  India is such a great place for photographs, so much of life, culture and rich in color.  I almost found myself back in ancient time, with people dressed up in historical costumes and with scenes which have remained unchange over thousands of years. [background song: She Moves Through the Fair, by Hayley Westenra]  

Changed: Jul 29, 2006.
Contains: 20 items.
Viewed: 1876 times.
Album: 四川.稻城.亞丁 千言萬語

那十天裡,都在車上聽著司機播鄧麗君的歌.當我想起這次旅行,腦際迴響著的,並不是當地的藏歌,而是那在海拔4000米聽到的"千言萬語". [Background song: 千言萬語 by 鄧麗君]


Changed: Apr 10, 2006.
Contains: 36 items.
Viewed: 3080 times.
Naked Cowboy at Time Square
Album: Tai Chung 台中步道


更多是次旅行相片 https://www.fotop.net/phyllis/TW_TRIP
[background music: 雨の予感, by 松谷卓, from movie いま、会いにゆきます] 

Changed: Sep 23, 2005.
Contains: 13 items.
Viewed: 1851 times.
Album: La Mer, China 吳川之濱

It's about the courage of man, to move on to where could not be reached, and to conquer what shall never be conquered. [Background music: Horizon Variations, by Max Richter]

Changed: Jun 15, 2005.
Contains: 12 items.
Viewed: 1573 times.
Album: Hanoi, Vietnam

2004 Christmas, I was accompannied by my best friend, Kieron, to begin an expedition in Hanoi, northern Vietnam. We observed, we captured life through our cameras. Life goes on nomatter how harsh life once was, I believe in no miracle but in the undeterred spirit of human kind.  At least, I saw the proof there in Vietnam. [background music: Peace of Mind by S.E.N.S][best viewed with slideshow 2 seconds delay]

Changed: May 28, 2005.
Contains: 107 items.
Viewed: 2765 times.
Album: Hong Kong
同舟人 誓相隨 無畏更無懼
既是同舟在獅子山下且共濟 拋棄區分求共對

Changed: Dec 12, 2020.
Contains: 7 items.
Viewed: 1914 times.
Album: USA

A brave new world!

Changed: Aug 27, 2011.
Contains: 4 items.
Viewed: 1936 times.
Album: Canada

A tribute to St.Laurance River
(background music: Moon River by Audrey Hepburn)

Changed: Sep 15, 2004.
Contains: 7 items.
Viewed: 1722 times.
Album: Singapore

Rainbow above the equator

Changed: Jun 15, 2005.
Contains: 2 items.
Viewed: 1390 times.
Album: Sydney
June 11, 2004, due to flight delay, I spent my solitude hours in Sydney with my Russian Feb 5c camera and its 55mm prime lens.  Most photos suffer heavy flaring and I only managed to sort out a few good to share. [background music: Outside the Heart Beats by 岩代 太郎]

Changed: Jun 01, 2005.
Contains: 6 items.
Viewed: 1250 times.
Album: 粵北略影II
五月一日,陰天,時晴時雨.我睡醒之際,發覺已置身在離香港三百公里外的粵北城鎮 -- 連州.
(background music: Overture for Ivory3)

Changed: Dec 11, 2004.
Contains: 59 items.
Viewed: 1558 times.
Album: 粵北略影
滿載一船冬意,寒光亭下水如天 [background music: Once by Air Supply]

Changed: Nov 06, 2004.
Contains: 44 items.
Viewed: 1662 times.
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