Viable :: Hong Kong & Macau
Last changed: May 25, 2009
60 items in this album
Have a dessert before taking you to Ngong Ping, Tai O and Macau.
Ngong Ping 360
Ngong Ping Cable Car
HK International Airport
Have a dessert before taking you to Ngong Ping, Tai O and Macau.
Ngong Ping 360
Ngong Ping Cable Car
HK International Airport
Zoooommm, WALKING? Wow
Guess who are my family members
Heart Sutra Inscription - The World's largest outdoor wood engraving
Zoooommm, WALKING? Wow
Guess who are my family members
Heart Sutra Inscription - The World's largest outdoor wood engraving
Take a rest
Smile: You know who are my family members now
My brothers were having additional job -Tour Guide.  No Tips.
Tai O fishing village - "Vince of the Orient"
Take a rest
Smile: You know who are my family members now
My brothers were having additional job -Tour Guide. No Tips.
Tai O fishing village - "Vince of the Orient"
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