Viable :: Hong Kong & Macau
Last changed: May 25, 2009
60 items in this album
Houses built on stilts
Closer Look
Salty fish and Shrimp Paste
Wedding custom in the old time
Houses built on stilts
Closer Look
Salty fish and Shrimp Paste
Wedding custom in the old time
Let us go to the Oriental Las Vegas - Macau.  
MGM Lion
Find me
Found my boy friend in Star World (Casino)
Let us go to the Oriental Las Vegas - Macau. MGM
MGM Lion
Find me
Found my boy friend in Star World (Casino)
Casino Night View
Night Life in Macau
Crown's (Casino) lobby - 
Real gold bar hallway.  How heavy per bar?
Casino Night View
Night Life in Macau
Crown's (Casino) lobby - Real gold bar hallway. How heavy per bar?
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