Vincent Poon :: Dubrovnik City Wall walk
An UNESCO site by itself, the Dubrovnik City Wall runs uninterrupted for 1940 meters, encircling the Old City. A truly unique experience that will offer you different yet interesting and breathtaking views of the city within and outside. Definitely the #1 must-do item when you visit the city...
Visits: 771 times
Last changed: Sep 10, 2016
84 items in this album
The wall must be impressive if viewed from the sea...
The fortress Bokar looks after the southwestern side of the city wall
This restaurant across the little bay Kolorina is the perfect place to watch the Lovrijenac Fortress during sunset
Lovrijenac Fortress, located next to the old city and rises up on a 37m-high cliff
The wall must be impressive if viewed from the sea...
The fortress Bokar looks after the southwestern side of the city wall
This restaurant across the little bay Kolorina is the perfect place to watch the Lovrijenac Fortress during sunset
Lovrijenac Fortress, located next to the old city and rises up on a 37m-high cliff
Fans of Game of the Thrones will remember something familiar. (Of course they have CG-ed some of the other bits)
Nowadays, the 3 terraces of the Lovrijenac fortress offers an excellent venue for summer plays and concerts
The western part of the city was guarded by Lovrijenac Fortress (right) and Bokar (left) for many many years
Fans of Game of the Thrones will remember something familiar. (Of course they have CG-ed some of the other bits)
Nowadays, the 3 terraces of the Lovrijenac fortress offers an excellent venue for summer plays and concerts

The western part of the city was guarded by Lovrijenac Fortress (right) and Bokar (left) for many many years
Can't believe up in the city wall there are merchants selling their crafts here
We walked along the sea front and this is Bastion of Saint Peter. On the left hand side we saw many residential homes
This is how the local (and us while living there) dried the laundry (These were dangling off a rope at 2 storeys high)
This was where we stayed. Yes, once the city wall is closed at night, we could sneak out (from this 2nd floor's window) and had the whole wall by ourselves!
Can't believe up in the city wall there are merchants selling their crafts here
We walked along the sea front and this is Bastion of Saint Peter. On the left hand side we saw many residential homes
This is how the local (and us while living there) dried the laundry (These were dangling off a rope at 2 storeys high)
This was where we stayed. Yes, once the city wall is closed at night, we could sneak out (from this 2nd floor's window) and had the whole wall by ourselves!
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