Vincent Poon :: Dubrovnik City Wall walk
An UNESCO site by itself, the Dubrovnik City Wall runs uninterrupted for 1940 meters, encircling the Old City. A truly unique experience that will offer you different yet interesting and breathtaking views of the city within and outside. Definitely the #1 must-do item when you visit the city...
Visits: 774 times
Last changed: Sep 10, 2016
84 items in this album
The wall facing the sea is most often thinner (1.5m wide) than those facing the land side (can be as thick as 6m)
This scaffolding reminds us that the walls still need proper maintenance if we want them to stand against time
The Bastion of Saint Margarita.. That post is a good place to hide during heavy rain (we saw many ppl hiding inside there on the 2nd day when the thunderstorm came)
The wall facing the sea is most often thinner (1.5m wide) than those facing the land side (can be as thick as 6m)
This scaffolding reminds us that the walls still need proper maintenance if we want them to stand against time
The Bastion of Saint Margarita.. That post is a good place to hide during heavy rain (we saw many ppl hiding inside there on the 2nd day when the thunderstorm came)

Approaching the Bastion Saint Saviour
A lazy cat taking an afternoon nap in one of the private gardens below
The three bells belong to the church of St. Nicholas
The is is perhaps the widest opening of the whole city wall
Approaching the Bastion Saint Saviour
A lazy cat taking an afternoon nap in one of the private gardens below
The three bells belong to the church of St. Nicholas
The is is perhaps the widest opening of the whole city wall
A peek at the old port and the Kaše breakwater
The cable car station  at the top of the hill offers an excellent view of the old city
Walking along the city wall could easily take an hour or two, luckily there is a toilet around so you don't have to do it on or over the wall
A peek at the old port and the Kaše breakwater
The cable car station at the top of the hill offers an excellent view of the old city

Walking along the city wall could easily take an hour or two, luckily there is a toilet around so you don't have to do it on or over the wall
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