Vincent Poon :: The Journey To Hvar, From Hvar
The journey from Split to Dubrovnik we deliberately took a detour via sea to visit the many islands of Croatia. We passed by Milna (Brac), stayed in Hvar and passed by Korcula and Mljet before finally arriving into Dubrovnik.
Definitely a well worth alterntiave way to experience the islands of Croatia!
Visits: 421 times
Last changed: Apr 03, 2016
20 items in this album
This was the port of Split where our island hopping journey began.. We took the Kapetan Luka catamaran which dramatically reduced the journey time but there was only one ferry per day, and it was early too! (7:45)
The ferry was very full and the interior decoration was no better than the macau turbojets we have here
If you haven't had your breakfast this would be a good place to go to.. it seems they were serving beer even in the morning! (The red cans)
This is probably the most comfortable place inside the ferry. You could see some leather sofa at the front of the boat. The only bad thing is, you had to face backwards when sitting on them. Or if you are bold/inconsiderate enough, you could lie down and take the entire couch by yourself
This was the port of Split where our island hopping journey began.. We took the Kapetan Luka catamaran which dramatically reduced the journey time but there was only one ferry per day, and it was early too! (7:45)
The ferry was very full and the interior decoration was no better than the macau turbojets we have here
If you haven't had your breakfast this would be a good place to go to.. it seems they were serving beer even in the morning! (The red cans)
This is probably the most comfortable place inside the ferry. You could see some leather sofa at the front of the boat. The only bad thing is, you had to face backwards when sitting on them. Or if you are bold/inconsiderate enough, you could lie down and take the entire couch by yourself
Milna of Brac. Our first stop
We got off at Hvar to spend 2 nights on this island. Look at the boarding queue!
2 days later at exactly the same time and place, we were back here... this time we were the one queuing
Our ferry was late. While waiting, another group boarded this boat right next to us.
Milna of Brac. Our first stop
We got off at Hvar to spend 2 nights on this island. Look at the boarding queue!
2 days later at exactly the same time and place, we were back here... this time we were the one queuing
Our ferry was late. While waiting, another group boarded this boat right next to us.
...and their cruise boat was much nicer
Finally our ferry arrived
This was our hi-speed catamaran. DSC Krilo star
We continued our journey to Dubrovnik
...and their cruise boat was much nicer
Finally our ferry arrived
This was our hi-speed catamaran. DSC Krilo star
We continued our journey to Dubrovnik
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