Vincent Poon :: Cairo (14-15, 18, 27-29th Apr 2007)
If you have been detained by the immigration for over half an hour, being annoyed by those persistent, "friendly" con-artists and nearly got killed by hundreds of moving vehicles, then you probably wouldn't say anything nice about this place...
In fact, Cairo offers much more than these; it is one of those cities you will both love and hate...From the moment you arrive, you would want to leave immediately; but from the moment you board the plane, you would start to miss it again!
Visits: 786 times
Last changed: Aug 01, 2007
4 items in this album
Ibrahim, minarets and domes of the Citadel
The Hanging Church/Suspended Church (al-Mu'allaqa) was built on top of the Water Gate of the old Roman fortress of Babylon.
The building is made up of four floors, each has 28 rooms that overlooks a rectangular-shaped courtyard with a mosaic fountain in the middle.
Lift and stairs of my first hotel building
Album: The Citadel (15th Apr 2007)
The Citadel was home to the Egypt's rulers for 700 years and contain a collection of mosques, palaces and terraces. Initially it was the beautiful outline of the mosque of Mohammed Ali that attracted me to come but I soon found out the Soviet MiGs and the tanks were more interesting!

Changed: Jul 14, 2007.
Contains: 55 items.
Album: Coptic Cairo (18th Apr 2007)
Coptic Cairo is the modern name for the oldest part of the city and also is a haven of quiet, narrow lanes and ancient holy places. Today, besides the tourists, the Coptic Christians (Greek Orthodox) still come here to worship and say prayers.

I am surprised to find an active non-islamic area in an Islamic country but I am even more surprised to find their St. George is also killing Western Dragons here...and I originally thought St. George kills dragon in England only.... well it seems that he must be a worldwide consultant who travelled as far as to the Middle East to kill dragons. 

Changed: Jul 15, 2007.
Contains: 48 items.
Album: Wikala of al-Ghouri (29th Apr 2007)
Built in 1504, Wikala of al-Ghouri was built as a merchants' inn when Cairo was still the central trading hub at that time. The moment you step onto the old stone steps leading into the courtyard, you will get the feeling of softly gliding back into history...
Nowadays this place has been converted into an arts and crafts center, with the rooms used are for artists' studios while its courtyard is used for concerts.... luckily most of this place is still well preserved to give me the feeling of the middle ages. 

Changed: Jul 14, 2007.
Contains: 19 items.
Album: Survival in Cairo
A collection of all the bits and pieces I had done, I had seen in Cairo.. some were nice, some were nasty and most often they were surprising!
Survival in Cairo basically means that you won't get killed by the traffic, you won't get conned by the most innocent Egyptian you ever come across, you can get on to the metro during rush hours... if you can cope with these, then welcome to Cairo!

Changed: Jul 16, 2007.
Contains: 48 items.
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