Vincent Poon :: The Pharaonic Village (27th Apr 2007)
Originally built by Dr. Hassan Ragab, (the person who reinvented how to make papyrus) this haven is really a place to let people know about the Egyptian culture and history. It is quite comprehensive though you definitely won't be lost in astonishment. If you have only got time to go to Cairo in Egypt, maybe it is also a good idea to check this place out... For those who have done the real tour and have seen the real stuff, this can be quite a joke :)
Visits: 628 times
Last changed: Jul 12, 2007
3 items in this album
"The four Bouncers of a night club!" For those who have seen the REAL temple, this replica of the famous temple of Abu Simbel is really a joke! But at least it shows us 4 complete figures instead of 3 and a half in the real thing.
Ramses II's famous battle: Battle of Kadesh
Album: Pharaonic "Walk of Fame"
Here you will come face to face with celebrities of the ancient Egypt. Those names whom you have read about, heard about a million times in the entire trip in Egypt but have never really met them. Now this is your golden chance.... But sorry, no autographs would be given!

Changed: Jul 10, 2007.
Contains: 12 items.
Album: That's life! in Ancient Egypt
Having waved good-bye to the Madame Tussauds-like stars of Egypt, it is probably time to have some action-thrilling events. Led by a casts of n-times oscar winners, the following will show you how to survive in Ancient Egypt... mind you, it is more comprehensive than the SAS Survival Guide!

Ready? Lights! Camera! Action!

hmmm....did I not tell you that survival = make a living?

Changed: Jul 13, 2007.
Contains: 36 items.
Album: The Village Itself...
Having enjoyed such "marvelous" actings during the boat cruise, it is finally time for some walking myself. Once you disembarked at the entrance of the village, you will be greeted by an english-speaking guide (can speak english that can be understood) who would take you through all the musuems around the village.

The most impressive I must say is the Tomb of Tutankhamen. As they say, 'In the valley of the kings, you only see the empty tomb. In the Egyptian Museum, you only see the contents of the tomb. But in here, you see them all, shown exactly as they were found by Howard Carter in 1922'....

Changed: Jul 11, 2007.
Contains: 27 items.
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