Vincent Poon :: Mt. Olives (1-sep)
Mount Olive is really famous for the place where Jesus was betrayed and arrested after the Last Supper, and also the place where he ascended into Heaven 40 days after resurrection.
Unless you are still young and fit and energetic, otherwise plan yourself properly if you want to tread the footsteps of Jesus in this mountain. Trust me.
Or unless you have a car........
Visits: 791 times
Last changed: Jul 31, 2014
80 items in this album
After taking a cab from Dung Gate, I arrived at Mount Olives (a wise choice as hiking up the hill at over 30-40C was not pleasant, as I found out later...)
My first stop was the Chapel of the Ascension, which is the site traditionally believed to be the earthly spot where Jesus ascended into Heaven 40 days after his resurrection
Was originally a chapel but was later converted into a mosque. The octagonal structure is based on the original design
Inside the mosque is a mihrab and also the Ascension Rock on the floor
After taking a cab from Dung Gate, I arrived at Mount Olives (a wise choice as hiking up the hill at over 30-40C was not pleasant, as I found out later...)
My first stop was the Chapel of the Ascension, which is the site traditionally believed to be the earthly spot where Jesus ascended into Heaven 40 days after his resurrection
Was originally a chapel but was later converted into a mosque. The octagonal structure is based on the original design
Inside the mosque is a mihrab and also the Ascension Rock on the floor
The Ascension Rock is inside the stone frame and is said to contain the right footprint of Christ as he ascended into Heaven
You could place your offering here by the rock
The guardian of the place
The whole chapel/mosque is unmanned, you just help yourself if you need to buy any stuff
The Ascension Rock is inside the stone frame and is said to contain the right footprint of Christ as he ascended into Heaven
You could place your offering here by the rock
The guardian of the place
The whole chapel/mosque is unmanned, you just help yourself if you need to buy any stuff
Palestinian kids getting off school... What a cheerful bunch! This kid ran too fast for me to get a good shot!
There were not many places that sell refreshment in Mt Olives. This Mount of Olives Kiosk certainly made my day!
Having found out that Church of the Pater Noster was closed until 3pm, I decided to go down and check out other sites first.
The golden onion domes belong to the Russian Church of Mary Magdalene. I got to see that!!
Palestinian kids getting off school... What a cheerful bunch! This kid ran too fast for me to get a good shot!
There were not many places that sell refreshment in Mt Olives. This Mount of Olives Kiosk certainly made my day!
Having found out that Church of the Pater Noster was closed until 3pm, I decided to go down and check out other sites first.
The golden onion domes belong to the Russian Church of Mary Magdalene. I got to see that!!
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