Vincent Poon :: Temple of Artemis
One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the temple is not much to be seen today besides a single column constructed by the fragments discovered from the excavation...It was supposedly 115 m long and 46 m wide and 13m high.
Visits: 335 times
Last changed: Apr 05, 2014
4 items in this album
This is the site! They have also documented what it was originally
Last time we revisited in 2001, it was more like a desert, now it is like a grassland with swap
Now only one column remains
The Basilica of St. John, where supposedly he was buried lies at the background on the top of the hill next to the fortress
This is the site! They have also documented what it was originally
Last time we revisited in 2001, it was more like a desert, now it is like a grassland with swap
Now only one column remains
The Basilica of St. John, where supposedly he was buried lies at the background on the top of the hill next to the fortress
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