A one day private tour to see the House of Virgin Mary, Ephesus, as well as the wine village of Sirince. This was the only port we stopped in Turkey, and yes, I really missed Turkey (mainly for the cheap prices and their hospitality!) and did I forget to mention their cats as well?!
Visits: 435 times
Last changed: Apr 04, 2014
9 items in this album
A place for both Catholics and Muslims pilgrims. This was the place where Mary, the mother of Jesus, was taken to this stone house by Saint John and lived there in her last days until her Assumption
Changed: Apr 06, 2014.
21 items.
Album: Ephesus - The Ancient City
3rd time to this ancient Greek City and still think it is interesting. Definitely a must for those who haven't been to an ancient Greek city before. Besides its religious significance, the beautiful facade of the Library of Celsus is also one of the most impressive structures you can find in any ancient site.
Changed: Apr 06, 2014.
52 items.
Album: Ephesus Terrace Houses
Also called 'The Houses of Rich', they were located inside Ephesus and is 'newly' opened to those like me who haven't come back since 13 years ago. Definitely worth (paying and) seeing what the houses and the (rich)family lives were during the Roman period
Changed: Apr 06, 2014.
23 items.
Album: Gladiator Show
An interesting little show happening in the ancient city of Ephesus... This surely brought some action in the otherwise a very quiet ancient city. Can't really compared to the RACE show I saw in Jordan, nevertheless, it was free so maybe I shouldn't whine that much?
Changed: Apr 03, 2014.
15 items.
Album: Feline Guardians of Ephesus
These were the cats I found in Ephesus (well, one was really in Kusadasi), and somehow they were more interested in ruins, statues, sleeping than visitors... Wait! I caught one staring at a lady's bottom...
Changed: Apr 04, 2014.
11 items.
Album: Lunch of the Day@Bizimev Hanımeli Restaurant
On the way to Sirince, we stopped by this place for our lunch to experience some traditional Turkish Cusine... so famous that it has published its own cookbook - my mother's kitchen. The food I think was quite good, though not that brilliant, but the place was quite charming, especially when there were not many other tourists here
Changed: Apr 05, 2014.
7 items.
Album: Sirince
During the afternoon, our tour continued into the quiet village of Sirince, that was originally inhabited by Ottoman Greeks and called it Çirkince, which means sort of ugly, in order to deter outsiders to come. During the exchange of populations following World War I, Turks from Greece were moved here and changed the name to Şirince, which means charming. Nowadays, it is just a quiet (maybe not do if all the visitors from the cruise ships come along) village that is famous of fruit wines it produces.
Changed: Apr 06, 2014.
25 items.
Album: Temple of Artemis
One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the temple is not much to be seen today besides a single column constructed by the fragments discovered from the excavation...It was supposedly 115 m long and 46 m wide and 13m high.
Changed: Apr 05, 2014.
4 items.
Album: Kusadasi
Definitely has changed quite a bit since I was here in 2001. Now it is a town specially for cruise ships visitors. A bit commericalized yet it is still a very enjoyable port to hang around.... as long as you don't stay too long.