When you see this you know that you are near to St. Peter's Basilica, the largest in the world
| | Bernini's remarkable semielliptical colonnades transformed the basilica's approach into a pair of welcoming arms embracing the faithful.
| The colonnades have 284 columns, 88 pilasters, and 140 statues
| This is dedicated to Pope Alexander VII
| Two 5.5 m statues stand in front of the Basilica, this is Saint Peter.
| This is St. Paul. Above the facade are Jesus and his 11 disciples
The obelisk, known as "The Witness", at 25.5m is the 2nd largest standing obelisk, is thought to have stood witness to the crucifixion of St Peter
| Fountain designed by Carlo Maderno, in Piazza San Pietro
| The facade was designed by Maderno, who took over the project after Michelangelo's death. It is 114.69 m wide and 45.55 m high
| Symbol for 'West Ponente', who blows winds from the west, found in the square of St. Peter's