Vincent Poon :: The Sun and the Sea
Many fellow photographers complained that when taking cruises they could not take the sunset photos at the ports of call because they had to get back to the ship early. To me, viewing the sunset from the ship in the middle of the sea was another amazing experience that was totally different ---  surely it's a kinda Magic!
Visits: 595 times
Last changed: Nov 10, 2013
29 items in this album
30/8 Sunset as viewed from Qsine during dinner... isn't that beautiful?
30/8 sunset
31/8 morning - along the shore of Sicilly
1/9 sunset, on the way to Greece
30/8 Sunset as viewed from Qsine during dinner... isn't that beautiful?
30/8 sunset
31/8 morning - along the shore of Sicilly
1/9 sunset, on the way to Greece
2/9 sunset near Piraeus
2/9 sunset as seen from balcony
3/9 sunrise - near the shore of Kusadasi, Turkey
3/9 sunrise, as seen from outside the Oceanview restaurant
2/9 sunset near Piraeus
2/9 sunset as seen from balcony
3/9 sunrise - near the shore of Kusadasi, Turkey
3/9 sunrise, as seen from outside the Oceanview restaurant
3/9 sunset - leaving turkey heading towards Rhodes
4/9 sunset - leaving Rhodes, heading towards Santorini
4/9 sunset
4/9 after sunset
3/9 sunset - leaving turkey heading towards Rhodes
4/9 sunset - leaving Rhodes, heading towards Santorini
4/9 sunset
4/9 after sunset
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