A street performer in Plaza Zocodover. He was so generous that he posed for me for free!
| Gate (Arco de la Sangre),leading to Calle de Cervantes
| Gate Arco de la Sangre, with the statue of Cervantes (Author of Don Quixote de la Mancha)
| Sculpture on a wall near Museo de Santa Cruz
Pictures of Don Quixote de la Mancha found freuqently in Toledo. This is from the tiles of a bench
| Museo de Santa Cruz,originally a 16th century hospital, houses a collection of medieval and renaissance tapestries and paintings
| Entrance, Museo de Santa Cruz
| Sculpture on the entrance of Museo de Santa Cruz
Inside Museo de Santa Cruz. A mixure of Gothic and Spanish Renaissance styles
| Splendid staircase inside Museo de Santa Cruz
| Toledo is renowned for the excellence of its swords, and you can sell them on sale everywhere.
| A statue of a soldier in front of a hotel... in the old days, the helmet is really..... squashed!