John :: Flies and mosquitoes
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Last changed: Dec 01, 2005
9 items in this album
Hoverfly in flight
Fleshfly (Sarcophaga sp.)
Fleshfly (Sarcophaga sp.)
"Greenbottle" fly. Calliphoridae
Album: Hovering hoverflies

During the winter months, these hoverflies become common in some forested areas. They hover for seemingly endless periods, and don't seem to ever stop or land. They are easily spotted once the sunlight falls on them. They make interesting but extremely challenging photo subjects. They don't generally stray far from the area, but it is difficult to get close to them. 

Changed: Nov 29, 2005.
Contains: 4 items.
Fleshfly (Sarcophaga sp.)
Fleshfly (Sarcophaga sp.)
"Greenbottle" fly. Calliphoridae
"Greenbottle fly". Calliphoridae.
Bee fly (Ligyra tantalus)
Mosquito in the act of biting!
"Greenbottle fly". Calliphoridae.
Bee fly (Ligyra tantalus)
Mosquito in the act of biting!
Mosquito resting on plant leaves
Mosquito resting on plant leaves
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