golfer :: Lina Yeung
Lina Yeung
Lina has gigantic eyes that captures the phtographers soul, as they were shooting her. It is hard to concentarte when those eyes were bearing down on you.
Visits: 6068 times
Last changed: Jul 30, 2009
1 photo in this album
Lina Yeung
Let there be you,
Let there be me.
Let there be oysters
Under the sea.

Let there be wind,
An occassional rain.
Chile con carne,
Sparkling champagne --

Let there be birds
To sing in the trees,
Someone to bless me
Whenever I sneeze.

Let there be cuckoos,
A lark and a dove,
But first of all, please --
Let there be love.


Let there be cuckoos,
A lark and a dove,
But first of all, please --
Let there be love...



Let there be love
Lina Yeung VC _00186s
Album: Lina Yeung 2009.07.24

Changed: Aug 04, 2009.
Contains: 6 items.
Viewed: 5964 times.
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