golfer :: Tracy Chan 2009.07.07
Lai Chi Kok Park 嶺南之風
Visits: 6190 times
Last changed: Jul 11, 2009
6 items in this album
First impression of Tracy was absolutely positive. She was a bit under the weather, what with under-nutritious and she skipped breakfast that morning.  The weather did not help neither, it being the hottest day in 2009 (34C). Tracy felt dizzy as we began to shoot. She rested up a bit and returned to give a superbo performance. Needless to say, we were prudent enough to stay out of the mid-day sun for the entire duration of the shoot.  Let me make it official that I appreciiate Tracy's professionlism. 
Tracy Chan VC _00013s
Tracy Chan VC _00137s
Tracy Chan VC _00114s
Tracy Chan VC _00161s
Tracy Chan VC _00194s
Album: The Introduction

Changed: Jul 11, 2009.
Contains: 19 items.
Viewed: 1655 times.
Album: A Hint of Outdoor

Changed: Jul 11, 2009.
Contains: 8 items.
Viewed: 1655 times.
Album: The Room with the Glass Window Pane

Changed: Jul 09, 2009.
Contains: 31 items.
Viewed: 3005 times.
Album: One Man Power

Changed: Jul 11, 2009.
Contains: 12 items.
Viewed: 1496 times.
Album: Tracy is being framed

Changed: Jul 10, 2009.
Contains: 40 items.
Viewed: 2895 times.
Tracy Chan VC _00266s
Album: The Closing

Changed: Jul 11, 2009.
Contains: 9 items.
Viewed: 1422 times.
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