Album Index:
Nature (1816 hits)
Birds of the UK(英國鳥類) (194 hits)
European Robin(歐亞鴝) (111 hits)
Carrion Crow(小嘴烏鴉) (64 hits)
Eurasian Magpie(喜鵲) (47 hits)
Great Tit(大山雀) (73 hits)
Eurasian Blue Tit(歐亞青山雀) (41 hits)
House Sparrow(家麻雀) (39 hits)
European Long-tailed Tit(北長尾山雀) (45 hits)
Rock Pigeon(原鴿) (54 hits)
Eurasian Collared Dove(灰斑鳩) (38 hits)
Wood Pigeon(林鴿) (107 hits)
Eurasian Blackbird(烏鶇) (63 hits)
Rose-ringed Parakeet(紅領綠鸚鵡) (75 hits)
Dunnock(林岩鷚) (100 hits)
European Starling(歐洲椋鳥) (100 hits)
Common Chiffchaff(嘰喳柳鶯) (5 hits)
Redwing(白眉歌鶇) (48 hits)
Song Thrush(歌鶇) (43 hits)
European Goldfinch(紅額金翅雀) (41 hits)
Eurasian Siskin (黃雀) (42 hits)
Northern Wren(鷦鷯) (53 hits)
European Firecrest(火冠戴菊) (39 hits)
Eurasian Blackcap(黑頂林鶯) (41 hits)
Common Kestrel(紅隼) (36 hits)
Eurasian Moorhen(紅冠水雞) (30 hits)
Eurasian Coot (白骨頂) (51 hits)
Gray Heron (蒼鷺) (58 hits)
Eurasian Oystercatcher(蠣鷸) (38 hits)
Great Crested Grebe(鳳頭鷿鵜) (104 hits)
Lesser Black-backed Gull(烏灰銀鷗) (57 hits)
Black-headed Gull(紅嘴鷗) (50 hits)
Mute Swan (疣鼻天鵝) (62 hits)
Hooded Merganser(鏡冠秋沙鴨) (62 hits)
Mandarin Duck (鴛鴦) (42 hits)
Tufted duck(鳳頭潛鴨) (74 hits)
Common Shelduck(翹鼻麻鴨) (25 hits)
Mallard (綠頭鴨) (50 hits)
Common Pochard(紅頭潛鴨) (81 hits)
Gadwall(赤膀鴨) (39 hits)
Common Goldeneye(鵲鴨) (62 hits)
Red-crested Pochard(赤嘴潛鴨) (93 hits)
Common Eider(歐絨鴨) (67 hits)
Smew (白秋沙鴨) (88 hits)
Graylag Goose(灰雁) (92 hits)
Red-breasted Goose(紅胸黑雁) (73 hits)
Canada Goose(加拿大黑雁) (66 hits)
Egyptian Goose(埃及雁) (102 hits)
Eurasian Green Woodpecker (歐洲綠啄木鳥) (64 hits)
Great Spotted Woodpecker(大斑啄木鳥) (31 hits)
Common Swift(雨燕) (56 hits)
Collared Sand Martin (崖沙燕) (39 hits)
Carrion Crow and Eurasian Coot(小嘴烏鴉與白骨頂) (96 hits)
Birds of Hong Kong(香港鳥類) (1238 hits)
Suldae(鰹鳥科) (49 hits)
Jacanas (水雉科) (64 hits)
Common Moorhen (黑水雞) (107 hits)
Swallows and Martins(燕和沙燕) (57 hits)
Barn Swallow(家燕) (106 hits)
Terns(燕鷗科) (195 hits)
Caspian Tern(紅嘴巨鷗) (77 hits)
Common Tern (普通燕鷗) (80 hits)
Bridled Tern (褐翅燕鷗) (64 hits)
Gull-billed Tern(鷗嘴噪鷗) (98 hits)
Black-naped Tern(黑枕燕鷗) (197 hits)
Gulls (鷗科) (50 hits)
Pallas's Gull(漁鷗) (75 hits)
Ducks, Geese and Swans(鴨科) (360 hits)
Garganey (白眉鴨) (89 hits)
Chinese Spot-billed Duck(中華斑嘴鴨) (90 hits)
Greater White-fronted Goose(白額雁) (96 hits)
Eurasian Widgeon(赤頸鴨) (74 hits)
Northern Shoveler(琵嘴鴨) (495 hits)
Northern Pintail(針尾鴨) (319 hits)
Common Teal(綠翅鴨) (456 hits)
Grebes(鸊鷉科) (352 hits)
Little Grebe(小鸊鷉) (295 hits)
Sandpipers and Snipes(鷸科) (365 hits)
Asian Dowitcher(半蹼鷸) (91 hits)
Red Knot(紅胸濱鷸) (86 hits)
Red-necked Stint(紅頸濱鷸) (96 hits)
Ruddy Turnstone(翻石鷸) (102 hits)
Temminck's Stint(青腳濱鷸) (133 hits)
Black-tailed Godwit(黑尾塍鷸) (156 hits)
Common Snipe(扇尾沙錐) (239 hits)
Marsh Sandpiper(澤鷸) (116 hits)
Wood Sandpiper(林鷸) (210 hits)
Common Sandpiper(磯鷸) (227 hits)
Green Sandpiper(白腰草鷸) (228 hits)
Avocets and Stilts(反咀鷸科) (308 hits)
Black-winged Stilt(黑翅長腳鷸) (397 hits)
Pied Avocet(反嘴鷸) (389 hits)
Plovers(鴴科) (320 hits)
Northern Lapwing(鳳頭麥雞) (227 hits)
Little Ringed Plover(金眶鴴) (192 hits)
Rails and Coots(秧雞科) (160 hits)
Slaty-legged Crake(白喉斑秧雞) (210 hits)
Kingfishers(翠鳥科) (309 hits)
White-throated Kingfisher(白胸翡翠) (184 hits)
Common Kingfisher(普通翠鳥) (344 hits)
Pied Kingfisher(班魚狗) (171 hits)
Ibises and Spoonbills(䴉科) (317 hits)
Black-faced Spoonbill(黑臉琵鷺) (274 hits)
白琵鷺(Eurasian Spoonbill) (275 hits)
Heron, Egrets and Bitterns (鷺科) (473 hits)
Purple Heron(草鷺) (69 hits)
Chinese Egret(黃嘴白鷺) (88 hits)
Cattle Egret (牛背鷺) (149 hits)
Grey Heron(蒼鷺) (321 hits)
Little Egret(小白鷺) (269 hits)
Great Egret (大白鷺) (629 hits)
Chinese Pond Heron(池鷺) (343 hits)
Black-crowned Night Heron(夜鷺) (1816 hits)
Finches(燕雀科) (242 hits)
Yellow-Billed Grosbeak(黑尾蠟嘴雀) (249 hits)
Tits(山雀科) (133 hits)
Red-billed Leiothrix(紅嘴相思鳥) (43 hits)
Cinereous Tit(蒼背山雀) (48 hits)
Yellow-cheeked Tit(黃頰山雀) (131 hits)
Sparrows(雀科) (244 hits)
Eurasian Tree Sparrow(麻雀) (165 hits)
Orioles(黃鸝科) (194 hits)
Hair-crested Drongo(髮冠卷尾) (136 hits)
Pipits(鷚科) (180 hits)
Red-throated Pipit(紅喉鷚) (77 hits)
Olive-backed Pipit(樹鷚) (253 hits)
Sunbirds(花蜜鳥科) (311 hits)
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker(朱背啄花鳥) (199 hits)
Fork-tailed Sunbird(叉尾太陽鳥) (205 hits)
Crows(鴉科) (335 hits)
Large-billed Crow(大嘴烏鴉) (106 hits)
Collared Crow(白頸鴉) (146 hits)
Common Magpie(喜鵲) (168 hits)
Blue Magpie(紅嘴藍雀) (274 hits)
Asian Azure-winged Magpie(灰喜鵲) (187 hits)
Flycatcher(鶲科) (278 hits)
Grey-streaked Flycatcher (灰紋鶲) (79 hits)
Narcissus Flycatcher(黃眉姬鶲) (180 hits)
Fujian Niltava(棕腹大仙鶲) (182 hits)
北灰鶲(Asian Brown Flycatcher) (325 hits)
Babblers(畫眉科) (290 hits)
Masked Laughingthrush(黑臉噪鹛) (268 hits)
Warblers(鶯科) (263 hits)
Dusky Warbler(褐柳鶯) (42 hits)
Black-browed Reed Warbler (黑眉葦鶯) (87 hits)
Yellow-browed Warbler(黃眉柳鶯) (81 hits)
Stay's Grasshopper Warbler(史氏蝗鶑) (85 hits)
Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler (小蝗鶑) (74 hits)
Common Tailorbird(長尾縫葉鶯) (219 hits)
Flowerpeckers(啄花鳥科) (221 hits)
Japanese White Eye(暗綠繡眼鳥) (159 hits)
Bulbuls(鵯科) (427 hits)
Mountain Bulbul(綠翅短腳鵯) (105 hits)
Chinese Bulbul(白頭鵯) (228 hits)
Sooty-Headed Bulbul(白喉紅臀鵯) (185 hits)
Red-whiskered Bulbul(紅耳鵯) (492 hits)
Shrikes (伯勞科) (308 hits)
Brown Shrike(虹尾伯勞) (262 hits)
Long-tailed Shrike(棕背伯勞) (142 hits)
Thrushes(鶇科) (774 hits)
Japanese Thrush(烏灰鶇) (91 hits)
Bluethroat(藍喉歌鴝) (239 hits)
Orange-headed Thrush(橙頭地鶇) (234 hits)
Blue Whistling Thrush(紫嘯鶇) (258 hits)
Stejneger's Stonechat(黑喉石䳭) (361 hits)
Daurian Redstart(北紅尾鴝) (778 hits)
White-capped Redstart(白頂溪鴝) (194 hits)
Rufous-tailed Robin(紅尾歌鴝) (310 hits)
Grey-backed Thrush(灰背鶇) (289 hits)
Red-flanked Bluetail(紅脅藍尾鴝) (390 hits)
Oriental Magpie Robin(鵲鴝) (255 hits)
Wagtails(鶺鴒科) (316 hits)
White Wagtail(白鶺鴒) (219 hits)
Yellow Wagtail(黃鶺鴒) (170 hits)
Buntings(鵐科) (249 hits)
Yellow-browed Bunting (黃眉鵐) (37 hits)
Yellow-breasted Bunting(黃胸鵐) (163 hits)
Crested Bunting(鳳頭鵐) (141 hits)
Eagles and Hawks (鷹科) (315 hits)
Eastern Marsh Harrier (白腹鷂) (40 hits)
Common Kestrel(紅隼) (39 hits)
Black Kite's Aerial Meal (黑鳶捕食) (74 hits)
Eastern Buzzard(普通鵟) (220 hits)
Black Kite(黑鳶) (328 hits)
Cuckoos(杜鵑科) (358 hits)
Greater Coucal(褐翅鴉鵑) (166 hits)
Asian Koel(噪鵑) (318 hits)
Plaintive Cuckoo(八聲杜鵑) (170 hits)
Cisticolas and Prinias(扇尾鶯科) (426 hits)
Yellow-bellied Prinia (黃腹山鷦鶯) (290 hits)
Plain Prinia(純色山鷦鶯) (335 hits)
Owls (鴟鴞科) (326 hits)
Asian Barred Owlet(斑頭鵂鶹) (335 hits)
Parrots and Cockatoos(鸚鵡科及鳳頭鸚鵡科) (209 hits)
Alexandrine Parakeet(亞歷山大鸚鵡) (159 hits)
Rose-ringed Parakeet(紅領綠鸚鵡) (141 hits)
Starlings and Mynas(椋鳥科) (203 hits)
Black-collared Starling(黑領樑鳥) (87 hits)
Crested Myna(八哥) (174 hits)
White-shouldered Starling(灰背椋鳥) (157 hits)
Doves (鳩鴿科) (259 hits)
Spotted Dove(朱頸斑鳩) (248 hits)
Birds of Sri Lanka(斯里蘭卡鳥類) (374 hits)
Birds of Mongolia(蒙古國鳥類) (372 hits)
Birds of Madagascar and Mauritius (馬達加斯加與毛里裘斯鳥類) (492 hits)
Madagascar Lemurs (馬達加斯加狐猴) (413 hits)
Madagascar Geckos and Chamaeleons (馬達加斯加守宮與變色龍) (382 hits)
Madagascar Frogs (馬達加斯加蛙類) (387 hits)
Birds of Taiwan(臺灣鳥類) (633 hits)
Charadridae(鴴科) (194 hits)
Oriental Plover(東方紅胸鴴) (205 hits)
Andeidae(鷺科) (267 hits)
Malayan Night Heron(黑冠麻鷺) (191 hits)
Muscicapidae(鶲科) (291 hits)
Collared Bush Robin(栗背林鴝) (229 hits)
Oriental Magpie Robin (鵲鴝) (219 hits)
White browed Bush Robin (白眉林鴝) (242 hits)
Phasianidae(雉科) (258 hits)
Ring-necked Pheasant(環頸雉) (203 hits)
Mikado Pheasant(黑長尾雉) (282 hits)
Swinhoe's Pheasant(藍腹鷴) (280 hits)
Taiwan Partridge(臺灣山鷓鴣) (190 hits)
Central Taiwan and Taipei 2016(台灣中部與台北) (249 hits)
Tainan and Pingdong 2016(臺南與屏東) (290 hits)
Baxian shan and Dasueh Shan National Forests 2016(八仙山與大雪山林區) (332 hits)
Shanlin Creeks, Nantou 2014(南投杉林溪) (231 hits)
Yilan County 2014(宜蘭2014) (252 hits)
Da-Sueh Shan National Forest 2013 (大雪山森林區) (277 hits)
Da-Sueh Shan National Forest 2012 (大雪山森林區) (409 hits)
Birds of Kenya(肯亞鳥類) (669 hits)
Birds of India(印度鳥類) (495 hits)
Keoladeo Ghana National Park (772 hits)
Birds of Thailand(泰國鳥類) (506 hits)
Kaeng Krachan National Park (335 hits)
Butterflies of Hong Kong(香港蝴蝶) (499 hits)
弄蝶(Hesperiidae) (510 hits)
Papilionidae(鳳蝶) (515 hits)
粉蝶(Pieridae) (541 hits)
Lycaenidae(灰蝶) (572 hits)
Satyridae(眼蝶) (437 hits)
Amathusiidae(環蝶科) (161 hits)
蛺蝶(Nymphalidae) (475 hits)
Butterflies of Taiwan(臺灣蝴蝶) (463 hits)
Dragonflies and Butterflies of Kenya (379 hits)
Dragonflies of Hong Kong(香港蜻蜓) (429 hits)
Libellulidae(蜻科) (313 hits)
Variegated Flutterer(斑麗翅蜻) (227 hits)
Damselflies and Dragonflies of Taiwan(臺灣蜻蜓與豆娘) (531 hits)
Mamals of Kenya(肯亞哺乳類) (535 hits)
Mammals (501 hits)
Great Wildebeest Migration (335 hits)
Brown Tree Frog (斑腿泛樹蛙) (406 hits)
Agamidae(樹蜥科) (363 hits)
Green Crested Lizard (234 hits)
Carlotes Versicolor(變色樹蜥) (254 hits)
Blue-crested Lizard (262 hits)
Cicadae(蟬科) (341 hits)
Spotted Black Cicada(斑蟬) (188 hits)
Street Photography (Monochrome) (971 hits)
Sri Lanka (244 hits)
North Point, Hong Kong, 2 (251 hits)
North Point, Hong Kong (245 hits)
Cha Kwo Lang, Hong Kong, 3 (259 hits)
Cha Kwo Lang, Hong Kong, 2 (325 hits)
Quarry Bay, Hong Kong (281 hits)
Cheung Chow, Hong Kong (258 hits)
Cha Kwo Lang, Hong Kong (317 hits)
Tainan, Taiwan (420 hits)
Somewhere in Time (327 hits)
Somewhere in Time 4 (206 hits)
Somewhere in Time 3 (251 hits)
Somewhere in Time 2 (179 hits)
Somewhere in Time 1 (218 hits)
iPhone Shots (339 hits)
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