Vincent Poon :: The Journey To Hvar, From Hvar
The journey from Split to Dubrovnik we deliberately took a detour via sea to visit the many islands of Croatia. We passed by Milna (Brac), stayed in Hvar and passed by Korcula and Mljet before finally arriving into Dubrovnik.
Definitely a well worth alterntiave way to experience the islands of Croatia!
Visits: 420 times
Last changed: Apr 03, 2016
20 items in this album
I saw this impressive ship through the window... too bad my camera did not come with a good zoom.. (and the window was very dirty too!)
Next stop was the island of Korcula
If you don't want to stay in Hvar, then Korcula is another good choice for the breakaway. It is also reputed as the birthplace for Marco Polo
Korcula was heavily influenced by the Venetians and you could see the fortified walls and the huge tower as you approached the town from sea.
I saw this impressive ship through the window... too bad my camera did not come with a good zoom.. (and the window was very dirty too!)
Next stop was the island of Korcula
If you don't want to stay in Hvar, then Korcula is another good choice for the breakaway. It is also reputed as the birthplace for Marco Polo
Korcula was heavily influenced by the Venetians and you could see the fortified walls and the huge tower as you approached the town from sea.
Some cruise lines would organize cruises that would stop by Korcula
Our next stop was Mljet, which was the last stop before our final destination
The island of Mljet was another must see if you have time. Referred as the most beautiful and most forested island in the Adriatic, its national park (that makes up most of the island) has 2 salt water lakes that you could explore with a kayak or a small paddle boat
Some cruise lines would organize cruises that would stop by Korcula
Our next stop was Mljet, which was the last stop before our final destination
The island of Mljet was another must see if you have time. Referred as the most beautiful and most forested island in the Adriatic, its national park (that makes up most of the island) has 2 salt water lakes that you could explore with a kayak or a small paddle boat
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