Vincent Poon :: Day 3: Sahara - Merzouga - all the way to Fez (10 hours of tormenting bus ride)
Visits: 1226 times
Last changed: Jan 25, 2010
43 items in this album
The camels were up early ...
Our camp
Sabrina and Gabriel
Sabrina and Gabriel
The camels were up early ...
Our camp
Sabrina and Gabriel
Sabrina and Gabriel
The long ride to catch the sunrise
Another scarab beetle... last time I saw it was in Egypt
The long ride to catch the sunrise

Another scarab beetle... last time I saw it was in Egypt

Me and my camel, this time it didn't whip me with its tail
The sunrise was so beautiful
[No Title]
Someone was so excited that she decided to roll down the hill~ hee
Me and my camel, this time it didn't whip me with its tail
The sunrise was so beautiful
[No Title]
Someone was so excited that she decided to roll down the hill~ hee
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