Album Index:
外遊 (6043 hits)
汕頭開埠尋跡 (529 hits)
Day 01 (557 hits)
01. 深圳出發,汕頭達濠古城 (417 hits)
02. 汕頭市,汕頭開埠文化陳列館,外馬路原郵政局,老媽宮 (304 hits)
03. 小公園,汕頭騎樓建築 (461 hits)
04. 華橋新村路步行街 (431 hits)
**華橋新村路步行街小食((((Video)))) (467 hits)
Other (403 hits)
Day 02 (586 hits)
01. 澄海區樟林古港 (286 hits)
樟林古港陳列館,東里鎮 (381 hits)
新興街 (413 hits)
02. 前美古村陳慈黌故居 (523 hits)
03. 汕頭海關關史陳列館 (424 hits)
04. 存心善堂 (417 hits)
other (429 hits)
Day 03 (600 hits)
01. 石炮台公園崎碌炮台 (404 hits)
02. 汕頭市海旁,潮汕高鐵站 (375 hits)
澳門2014 (389 hits)
Day 01 (380 hits)
01.澳門舊街舊樓,大三巴及教堂 (339 hits)
02. 營地街市,九記冰室 (417 hits)
03. 黑沙灣及dinner (391 hits)
Other (354 hits)
Day 02 (459 hits)
01. 盧廉若公園,松山纜車,炮台及燈塔 (350 hits)
02. 氹仔,路環 (457 hits)
03. 舊樓 & Other (416 hits)
台灣太魯閣行山(花蓮,新北,桃園) (607 hits)
Day 00(Before Departure) (612 hits)
Day 01 (台北,花蓮) (590 hits)
Day 02 (花蓮,太魯閣) (499 hits)
01. 花蓮至太魯閣及天祥服務站 (324 hits)
02. 綠水文山步道 (265 hits)
01.入山 (359 hits)
**綠水文山步道- 入山((((Video)))) (304 hits)
02. 河流,樹林 (332 hits)
**綠水文山步道-河流((((Video)))) (322 hits)
03. 駁坎遺址,綠水鐵橋,馬黑揚部落 (281 hits)
**綠水文山步道-綠水吊橋((((Video)))) (336 hits)
04. 山崖,跑馬場,陀優恩部落,出山 (309 hits)
**綠水文山步道-跑馬場((((Video)))) (301 hits)
03. 合流步道 (338 hits)
**合流步道((((Video)))) (318 hits)
04. 弔靈碑至合流營地 (346 hits)
05. 吊橋,缶王亭 (275 hits)
**缶王亭吊橋((((Video)))) (412 hits)
other (378 hits)
map (344 hits)
Day 03 (太魯閣) (568 hits)
01. Morning of 太魯閣及慈母橋 (378 hits)
02. 錐麓古道 (324 hits)
01. 入山及入口河邊 (373 hits)
02. 首1.3公里,隧道及古道 (345 hits)
03. 斷崖口 (321 hits)
**錐麓古道 - 斷崖口((((Video)))) (352 hits)
**錐麓古道 – 碎石上山((((Video)))) (308 hits)
04. 懸崖邊,棧橋,鐵橋 (301 hits)
**錐麓古道 - 斷崖側影(((Video)))) (355 hits)
05. 植物,原住民及日本人物件 (371 hits)
**錐麓古道 – 蜘蛛((((Video)))) (343 hits)
**錐麓古道 – 舊日本酒樽((((Video)))) (335 hits)
06. 大斷崖 (406 hits)
**錐麓古道-大斷崖((((Video)))) (360 hits)
07. 斷崖終點至巴達岡二號橋 (343 hits)
08. 巴達岡遺址,錐麓吊橋,燕子口 (371 hits)
**錐麓古道-錐麓吊橋((((Video)))) (343 hits)
map (339 hits)
Day 04 (新北-金山) (504 hits)
01. 金山街市 (433 hits)
**金山街市 - 赤殼箭竹筍((((Video)))) (324 hits)
02. 廣安宮,金包里鴨肉 (364 hits)
**金包里老街-金包里鴨肉((((Video)))) (433 hits)
03. 大街,金包里老街 (420 hits)
04. 慈護宮 (471 hits)
05. 磺溪橋三界橋,金山舊機場遺址,聖德宮 (314 hits)
06. 芑豐居 (380 hits)
07. 金寶山,朱銘美術館 (405 hits)
08. 金山獅頭公園 (414 hits)
Other (395 hits)
Day 05 (桃園-三坑子老街,鶯歌老街) (462 hits)
01. 三坑子老街 (255 hits)
新生宮 (417 hits)
太平村,福德宮,太平紅橋 (422 hits)
黑白洗,永福宮,青錢第 (402 hits)
東巔宮,開庄伯公廟 (417 hits)
三坑子老街 (381 hits)
other (379 hits)
02. 鶯歌老街 (264 hits)
烘爐窯,四合院老榕樹,汪洋居,重慶街舊樓 (260 hits)
陶瓷老街 (380 hits)
**報時煙囪((((Video)))) (365 hits)
other (372 hits)
泰北,寮國 (789 hits)
Day 00(Before Departure) (725 hits)
map (395 hits)
Day 01 (HK,Chiang Mai) (708 hits)
01. Town of Chiang Mei, Tha Phae Gate (419 hits)
02. Wat Phan On,Wat Chai Prakiat (413 hits)
03. Wat Phra Singh帕刑寺 (496 hits)
04. Nawarat Market那瓦拉市場,Ton Lamyai Market龍眼市場,Waroros Market瓦洛洛市場 (468 hits)
other (398 hits)
Day 02 (Chiang Mai) (638 hits)
01. Nawarat Market那瓦拉市場 (393 hits)
outside market (380 hits)
inside market (326 hits)
02. Morning st of Chiang Mei,market near with gate & Waroros Market瓦洛洛市場 (424 hits)
03. Doi Inthanon National Park茵它儂國家公園 (387 hits)
01. highest point & market (363 hits)
02. King and Queen Pagoda (359 hits)
03. Sirithan Waterfall,Karen & Meo Hill tribe Village (316 hits)
04. Wachiratharn Waterfall (395 hits)
**Wachiratharn Waterfall01((((Video)))) (350 hits)
**Wachiratharn Waterfall02((((Video)))) (306 hits)
04. Sunday Market (537 hits)
**Chang Mai Sunday Night Market 01((((Video)))) (408 hits)
**Chang Mai Sunday Night Market 01((((Video)))) (285 hits)
other (411 hits)
Day 03 (Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai) (602 hits)
01. Hot Spring & White temple (365 hits)
02. Golden Triangle (498 hits)
03. Karen Village (376 hits)
04. Chiang Rai (387 hits)
other (423 hits)
Day 04 (Chiang Rai, Chiang Khong,LNT) (638 hits)
01. Chang Rai Street, Clock tower (481 hits)
02. Chang Rai morning market (374 hits)
Outside (426 hits)
Inside (385 hits)
03. Bus station & way to Laos, LNT night market (384 hits)
other (371 hits)
Day 05 (LNT,Muang Long) (711 hits)
01. LNT bus terminal, way to Muang Long & bus station (374 hits)
02. Town of Muang Long & Local market (508 hits)
**Muang Long Gracula((((Video)))) (298 hits)
03. Nam Long River, Hilltop Stupa (353 hits)
other (388 hits)
Day 06 (Muang Long) (631 hits)
01. Local market & morning of Muang long (391 hits)
Before opening (331 hits)
Market inside (393 hits)
**Early morning - just opening((((Video)))) (370 hits)
**Early morning - frying something((((Video)))) (310 hits)
Market outside & Morning of Muang Long (302 hits)
02. Akha village(Akha Phou) (405 hits)
03. Trekking in Pristine forest (473 hits)
04. Top of the mountain, banana and cane field (459 hits)
**Muang long Pristine forest Trekking(Top of the mountain)((((Video)))) (372 hits)
05. The rest of trekking, Ban Nong Kham(Tai Lue village),Nam Ma river (438 hits)
**Ban Nong Kham(Tai Lue village) - Game Competition rehearsal((((Video)))) (339 hits)
other (387 hits)
**muang long new year firework((((Video)))) (338 hits)
Day 07 (Muang Long) (604 hits)
01. Game Competition (486 hits)
**stone rolling game - women's game((((Video)))) (328 hits)
**spinning Top – boy’s game((((Video))) (295 hits)
**some local cold drink, colorful & not bad((((Video)))) (302 hits)
**sepak takraw – boy’s game((((Video)))) (288 hits)
02. Laos Picnic (436 hits)
**Laos Picnic-Preparation((((Video)))) (325 hits)
**Laos Picnic-Eating((((Video)))) (352 hits)
**iron ball game((((Video)))) (328 hits)
other (379 hits)
Day 08 (Muang Long) (550 hits)
01. Day of Muang Long (402 hits)
**Muang Long Wooden Bridge((((Video)))) (337 hits)
02. Tai Lue Ceremony (467 hits)
**Tai Lue Ceremony-local food((((Video)))) (353 hits)
**Some ritual for villager((((Video)))) (285 hits)
03. Dawn & Night of Muang Long (394 hits)
Day 09 (Muang Long, LNT) (681 hits)
01. Muang Long Market & Hilltop Sunrise (337 hits)
02. LNT town & Countryside(Ban Nam Di making large sheet of paper) (377 hits)
03. Nam Dee waterfall (448 hits)
04. Dinner & Bus to LPB (340 hits)
Day 10 (LPB) (762 hits)
01. Morning of LPB & Sakkaarin Rd(佈施化緣) (440 hits)
02. City of LPB,Sisavangvong Road,法國街 (444 hits)
03. Vat. Aham, Wat Visounnarth維祟寺 (419 hits)
04. Wat Pa Phay巴排寺 (400 hits)
05. Wat Xieng Thong相通寺 (404 hits)
06. Phousi普西山 (396 hits)
07. Local market,Food Market & Night of LPB (433 hits)
**Luang Prabang Local Market-Pancake((((Video)))) (504 hits)
**Luang Prabang Local Market-Salad((((Video)))) (436 hits)
other (409 hits)
Day 11 (LPB) (738 hits)
01. Phosy Market & Morning of LPB (368 hits)
Outside (382 hits)
**Early morning - Market Outside((((Video)))) (337 hits)
**Luang Prabang Breakfast-Spring Rolls((((Video)))) (313 hits)
Inside (370 hits)
**Luang Prabang Phosy Market-Market Inside((((Video)))) (285 hits)
Morning of LPB (298 hits)
02. Pakou caves (324 hits)
Tham Ting (378 hits)
Tham Phum (333 hits)
03. lunch at Elephant farm & Whisky Village (345 hits)
Whisky Village (340 hits)
Elephant Farm (401 hits)
**Wachiratharn Waterfall02((((Video)))) (335 hits)
04. Kuang Si Waterfall (362 hits)
Gate, Bear Rescure Centre & the rest of place of waterfall (342 hits)
Waterfall (315 hits)
Downstream (376 hits)
**Kuang Si Waterfall-Downstream 01((((Video)))) (348 hits)
**Kuang Si Waterfall-Downstream 02((((Video)))) (329 hits)
**Kuang Si Waterfall-Plunge 02((((Video)))) (323 hits)
**Kuang Si Waterfall-Plunge 01((((Video)))) (254 hits)
Upstream (334 hits)
05. Night Market & Other (447 hits)
**Laos Submarine sandwich((((Video)))) (408 hits)
Day 12 (LPB, VV) (631 hits)
01. Beg Alms at the Morning of LPB & Old bridge (344 hits)
**Alms Giving Ceremony((((Video)))) (279 hits)
02. Phong Savanh Market, Dara Market (331 hits)
03. way to VV (360 hits)
**Luang Prabang Way to Vang Vieng((((Video)))) (422 hits)
04. Sunset & Street of VV (352 hits)
other (346 hits)
Day 13 (VV) (697 hits)
01. Sunrise, Local market & way to bus terminal (359 hits)
02. Morning of VV (403 hits)
**Morning of Vang Vieng((((Video)))) (378 hits)
03. Pha Poak Cave (323 hits)
way to & climb to hill top (348 hits)
**Vang Vieng Pha Poak Cave-Hill Top((((Video)))) (267 hits)
cave (336 hits)
04. Lusi Cave (365 hits)
way to Lusi Cave (348 hits)
**way to Lusi Cave((((Video)))) (374 hits)
Cave Inside (328 hits)
05. Small island & boat tour (361 hits)
Small island (344 hits)
boat tour (412 hits)
**Vang Vieng boat tour((((Video)))) (414 hits)
06. Sunset & night in VV (380 hits)
other (345 hits)
Day 14 (VV,VTM) (716 hits)
01. Morning bus to VTM (385 hits)
02. Morning of VTM,Presidential Palace, Sisaket Museum (369 hits)
03. Ho Phra Keo(Wat Ho Phra Kaew) (363 hits)
04. Wat Xieng Khuan(Buddha Park香崑廟) (340 hits)
Way to & Back Wat Xieng Khuan (297 hits)
Wat Xieng Khuan (304 hits)
Heaven-hell pumpkin (299 hits)
**Heaven-hell pumpkin((((Video)))) (259 hits)
Sculpture garden (315 hits)
05. VTM bus station & Sunset (374 hits)
06. Night of VTM (361 hits)
other (364 hits)
Day 15 (VTM,BKK) (641 hits)
01. VTM,Nongkhai,Udon Thani (416 hits)
02. Day of BKK (371 hits)
03. Klong Toey Fresh Market (429 hits)
**Klong Toey Fresh Market((((Video)))) (305 hits)
04. Chatuchak Weekend Market恰圖恰週末市集 & Night of BKK (402 hits)
other (357 hits)
Day 16 (BKK,HKG) (657 hits)
01. Saphan Khao Fruit Market (492 hits)
02. BKK Protest Zone (364 hits)
**Bangkok - Protest Zone_09feb2014((((Video)))) (399 hits)
03. Victory Monument,Minivan station & Maeklong Market美功鐵道市場 (366 hits)
Victory Monument,Minivan station (314 hits)
Maeklong Market (318 hits)
Outside the Market (340 hits)
**normal time at the market((((Video)))) (291 hits)
**Before & after train((((Video)))) (254 hits)
Inside market, Train station & Other (323 hits)
04. Srinakarin火車市場 (369 hits)
Big C, Seacon Square & Way to Talad (346 hits)
Srinakarin (310 hits)
Entrance, Shop & other (278 hits)
Stalls (268 hits)
Antique store (319 hits)
Other (366 hits)
台灣花蓮,蘭嶼 (662 hits)
Day 01 (台北,花蓮) (610 hits)
01. 台北,台東花蓮木瓜溪民宿 (463 hits)
02. 花蓮市區及晚飯 (417 hits)
Day 02 (花蓮) (639 hits)
01. 晨早餵羊駝, 松園別館,七星潭,七星柴魚博物館 (356 hits)
**花蓮羊駝((((Video)))) (409 hits)
**七星柴魚博物館((((Video)))) (388 hits)
02. 太魯閣清水斷崖,燕子口,慈母橋,長春橋 (344 hits)
**燕子口((((Video)))) (402 hits)
03. 原住民風味餐,自強夜市 (363 hits)
Day 03 (花蓮) (536 hits)
01. 鯉魚潭,林田山木瓜林,林森路舊屋,滿妹豬腳 (355 hits)
02. 光復糖廠,大農大富,七彩釣竿橋,東華大學 (344 hits)
03. magic hour,民宿及晚飯 (443 hits)
**花蓮magic hour((((Video)))) (392 hits)
Day 04 (花蓮,蘭嶼) (632 hits)
01. 台東,花蓮 (307 hits)
木瓜溪民宿,吉安車站,台東車站,台東碼頭 (238 hits)
02.蘭嶼 (328 hits)
01. 船至蘭嶼開元港碼頭,蘭嶼沿岸 (282 hits)
02. 東清部落,情人洞,涼亭,步道 (398 hits)
**東清部落海邊((((Video)))) (349 hits)
03. 晚飯及超級月亮 (399 hits)
Day 05 (蘭嶼) (627 hits)
01. 東清部落,人漁和貓 (453 hits)
02. 東清至野銀部落 (483 hits)
**野銀部落大豬小豬((((Video)))) (449 hits)
03. 軍艦岩,山林工作室,東清七號地,反核吧 (348 hits)
04. 早餐及地瓜園 (439 hits)
Day 06 (蘭嶼) (601 hits)
01. 蘭嶼機場,蘭嶼生活文化館,達悟(雅美)族傳統屋,蘭嶼文物館 (331 hits)
02. 漁人部落 (458 hits)
03. 紅頭部落 (468 hits)
**紅頭部落海邊((((Video)))) (399 hits)
04. 紅頭部落返回東清部落,日落及夜晚月亮 (398 hits)
**東清部落羊((((Video)))) (410 hits)
Other (443 hits)
Day 07 (蘭嶼,高雄) (613 hits)
01. 蘭嶼 (338 hits)
01. 雙獅岩,玉女岩,饅頭山,坦克岩,虎頭坡,開元港,舊燈塔 (308 hits)
02. 民宿-地瓜園 (385 hits)
02. 高雄 (387 hits)
01. 六合夜市 & River Hotel (374 hits)
Day 08 (旗山老街,高雄) (720 hits)
01. 旗山老街 (342 hits)
01. 亭仔腳(復新街),旗山糖廠 (414 hits)
02. 中山路,仿巴洛克式樓排,枝仔冰城,旗山車站 (337 hits)
03. 廷平一路,旗山亭仔腳 (390 hits)
04. 其他街道,古伯豆芽菜及旗山街市 (327 hits)
02. 高雄市 (413 hits)
惠東平海 (594 hits)
Day 01 (778 hits)
01. Lunch & 雞鴨鵝龜牛 (459 hits)
**鵝((((Video)))) (409 hits)
02. 農作物,稻田及放牛 (518 hits)
03. Dinner & 鵝仔,雞蛋 (460 hits)
Day 02 (691 hits)
**燕子((((Video)))) (560 hits)
Day 03 (750 hits)
**雞((((Video)))) (518 hits)
深圳華橋城創意文化園 (707 hits)
緬甸 (901 hits)
Day 00(Before Departure) (694 hits)
Day 01(BKK曼谷) (741 hits)
Day 02(BKK曼谷,Yangon仰光) (825 hits)
01. 曼谷Don Mueang airport (403 hits)
02. Columbus travels,Yangon YMCA及附近街道 (417 hits)
03. Chaukhtatgyi paya(塔達基塔)及附近街道 (404 hits)
04. Shwedagon pagoda(大金塔),仰光夜街及dinner (484 hits)
Day 03(Yangon仰光,Heho & Trek to Inle Lake茵萊湖) (688 hits)
01. 仰光機場至Heho(inle lake機場) (398 hits)
02. Lamine village至一個村落(Pawke) (427 hits)
03. 田地,第二個村落,lunch(Kone hla)&屏風山 (388 hits)
04. 屏風山後及入村第一晚住宿(Pattupauk) (442 hits)
**Pattupauk小貓((((Video)))) (484 hits)
Day 04(Trek to Inle Lake茵萊湖) (765 hits)
01. Morning trekking from Guest House(Pattupauk) (439 hits)
02. Indian & way to Resort (442 hits)
03. Inle lake resort (439 hits)
日及室內 (406 hits)
黃昏,Dinner及夜 (427 hits)
Trekking Map (446 hits)
Day 05(Inle lake茵萊湖,Nyaung Shwe娘水) (834 hits)
01. Morning of Inle Lake & Local people (389 hits)
01. From Resort to Lake & Sunrise (451 hits)
**Morning of Inle Lake((((Video)))) (471 hits)
02. Inle Lake Local people (413 hits)
02. Nampan Floating market (446 hits)
Market outside (354 hits)
Market inside (479 hits)
03.phaung daw oo pagoda(帕瑞佛塔) (436 hits)
04. Silver, umbrella shop & lunch (480 hits)
05. Ywama pagoda (402 hits)
Pagoda (442 hits)
**Ywama pagoda((((Video)))) (471 hits)
Monastery (379 hits)
Outlook of Ywama Pagoda,Ywama village & Monastery (353 hits)
06. Floating Garden & Centre of inle Lake (425 hits)
**Floating Garden((((Video)))) (437 hits)
**Centre of inle Lake((((Video)))) (327 hits)
07. Maing Thauk Village (428 hits)
08. Fishman & Inle Lake Sunset (390 hits)
09. Min Ga Lar Inn & Dinner (450 hits)
Day 06(Nyaung Shwe娘水,Taunggyi東枝,Kakku卡古) (771 hits)
01. 早餐及由inle lake去Taunggyi(東枝) (491 hits)
**緬甸砌沙磚((((Video)))) (404 hits)
02. Taunggyi(東枝) Local market (599 hits)
**Taunggyi Local market((((Video)))) (389 hits)
03. Kakku Pagodas(卡古佛塔塔林) (440 hits)
Outside (440 hits)
Inside (475 hits)
04. Visit for Pao Village & Back to Taunggyi (464 hits)
05. Shwe Yaung Hwe Kyaung Monastery(瑞揚比亞寺) (371 hits)
06. Lunch@Kakku, Dinner@min min's, Hotel(Mingalar Inn) & Night of Nyaung Shwe (435 hits)
Day 07(Nyaung Shwe娘水,Mandalay曼德勒) (785 hits)
01. Sunrise in Nyaung Shwe (490 hits)
**Sunrise in Nyaung Shwe((((Video)))) (401 hits)
02. Day of Nyaung Shwe (447 hits)
01. Street & Pier (394 hits)
**School at Nyaung Shwe((((Video)))) (342 hits)
02. Local market (390 hits)
03. Lunch, Postoffice, Way to Heho Airport & other (379 hits)
03. Mandalay (460 hits)
**Night of Mandalay((((Video)))) (499 hits)
Day 08(Mandalay曼德勒-Amarupara,Sagaing,Inwa) (781 hits)
01. Amarupara(阿馬拉布拉古城) (432 hits)
01. Morning of U Bein's Bridge(烏本橋) (387 hits)
02. Sunset of U Bein's Bridge(烏本橋) (490 hits)
**Sunset of U Bein's Bridge((((Video)))) (419 hits)
02. Sagaing(實皆古城) (437 hits)
01. Soon u ponya shin pagoda(松烏蓬那信寶塔),Sagaing hill(實皆山),Umin Thounzeh (436 hits)
02. Kaunghmudaw paya(乳塔) & other (432 hits)
03. Inwa(因瓦古城) (356 hits)
01. Boat to Iwan & maha aung mye bonzan(黃寺) (344 hits)
02. Nanmyin(大鐘樓), Yedanasini paya(石柱中的大佛) (378 hits)
03. bagaya kyaung(寶迦雅寺) (425 hits)
04. Morning of Mandalay(Local market), Lunch, Dinner & Other (497 hits)
Day 09(Mandalay曼德勒,Kyaukme早緬) (718 hits)
01. Mandalay Train Station, Train Inside & Stating Journey with Sunrise (444 hits)
**Train Journey-fm Mandalay to Pyin Oo Lwin((((Video)))) (490 hits)
02. Pyin Oo Lwin(彬烏倫) To Gokteik viaduct station(谷特高車站) (533 hits)
**Train to Gokteik viaduct station((((Video)))) (384 hits)
03. Gokteik viaduct bridge(谷特高鐵橋) To Kyaukme(早緬) (454 hits)
**Gokteik viaduct bridge((((Video)))) (361 hits)
04. A Yone Oo Guest House & Town of Kyaukme & Local Market (441 hits)
05. Lunch & Dinner (447 hits)
Day 10(Kyaukme早緬 mountains & villages) (806 hits)
01. Morning of Kyaukme(早緬) & Local Market (453 hits)
02. Way to Kyaukme mountains & villages(Palaung德昂族) (460 hits)
03. Village School of Kyaukme (407 hits)
04. Nuns Monastery, Village(Palaung) & Hill Top (432 hits)
05. Wooden Bridge & Back to town of Kyaukme (464 hits)
06. Meal & Other (417 hits)
Trip of Kyaukme mountains (396 hits)
Day 11(Kyaukme早緬,Mandalay曼德勒) (722 hits)
01. Bus from Kyaukme to Mandalay,Classic Hotel,Thiri andalar bus station,Local Market & Small Store (457 hits)
02. Shwe in bin kyaung(柚木寺) (464 hits)
03. Fruits Distribution Market(Zegyo market良依市場) (462 hits)
04. Zegyo market(良依市場),Nylon Ice Cream Bar(尼龍冰室), Dinner & Night of Mandalay (419 hits)
Day 12(Mandalay曼德勒,Monywa蒙育瓦South) (685 hits)
01. Thiri andalar bus station(Mandalay),Way to Monywa(蒙育瓦) & Monywa Hotel (437 hits)
**Way to Monywa((((Video)))) (395 hits)
02. Thanboddhay paya(童話寺) (429 hits)
03. Bodhi tataung(企佛),Reclining buddha(臥佛),Buddha Park of Bodhitahtaung(波地塔通菩提園) (451 hits)
*Buddha Park of Bodhitahtaung((((Video)))) (362 hits)
04. Shwezigon paya(瑞喜宮塔),Other & Night of Monywa (442 hits)
Day 13(Monywa蒙育瓦West) (729 hits)
01. Breakfast & Way to West of Monywa (369 hits)
02. Hpo Win Daung Caves (428 hits)
01. Hpo Win Daung Caves(Map & Monastery) (377 hits)
02. Hpo Win Daung Caves(Yin Ma Bin Township) (374 hits)
Caves (398 hits)
Buddha Carving (435 hits)
Mural (368 hits)
03. Hpo Win Daung Caves(Salin Gyi Township) & Buddha Hill (412 hits)
03. Another Small Caves near with Hpo Win Daung & Shwe ba taung (450 hits)
04. Day of Monywa, Monastery & Old market (434 hits)
05. Lunch, Dinner & Other (358 hits)
Day 14(Monywa蒙育瓦, Bagan蒲甘) (797 hits)
01. Bus to Bagan, Lunch & MAY KHA LAR GUEST HOUSE (423 hits)
02. Sunset at Buledi (391 hits)
**Sunset at Buledi((((Video)))) (475 hits)
03. Ananda Temple(阿難達寺) (443 hits)
04. Dinner & other (398 hits)
Day 15(Bagan蒲甘) (688 hits)
01. Sunrise at SHWE SAN DAW Pagoda(瑞杉多佛塔) (382 hits)
02. Shwezigon Pagoda(瑞西貢佛塔),Shwe Lake Too,Htilominlo temple(悉隆敏羅寺),Upali Thein(烏帕利寺),Shwegugyi temple(瑞古意塔),Thatbyinnyu Phaya(達賓紐寺) (413 hits)
03. Mahabodhi Paya(摩訶菩提寺),Bupaya pagoda,Gaw-Daw Palin Phaya(喬多波陵塔),Mi Nyein Gon(米內良塔),Sulamani Pahto(蘇拉瑪尼佛塔) (353 hits)
04. Dhammayangyi Temple(喬多波陵塔) (471 hits)
05. Sunset at Buledi (425 hits)
Other (412 hits)
Day 16(Bagan蒲甘,Yangon仰光) (762 hits)
01. Sunrise at Shwe Lake Too (442 hits)
02. Street of Yangon & Central Railway station (425 hits)
03. Journey of Yangon Circular Railway (522 hits)
**Journey of Yangon Circular Railway((((Video)))) (366 hits)
04. Night of Yangon (471 hits)
**Night of Yangon((((Video)))) (476 hits)
Other (382 hits)
Day 17(Yangon仰光,BKK曼谷,HK香港) (739 hits)
惠東雙月灣平海古鎮 (657 hits)
Day 01 (744 hits)
01. 花果菜田 (428 hits)
02. 雞鵝牛 (568 hits)
**惠東小鵝((((Video)))) (514 hits)
Lunch, Dinner & Other (403 hits)
**惠東小貓((((Video)))) (364 hits)
Day 02 (658 hits)
01. 雙月灣, 沙灘,城隍廟(平海古城) (302 hits)
02. 平海古城(東門,北門), 舊街舊理髮店 (355 hits)
03. 平海古城(西門,南門), 舊街舊屋 (350 hits)
04. 煙花 (420 hits)
**惠東煙花((((Video)))) (445 hits)
早午晚飯及Other (412 hits)
Day 03 (770 hits)
日本(大阪京都) (824 hits)
Day 01(大阪) (684 hits)
Day 02(六甲山,有馬) (753 hits)
01. 六甲山,六甲山牧場 (398 hits)
02. Garden terrace,有馬溫泉 (414 hits)
Other (371 hits)
Day 03(有馬,神戶,大阪) (842 hits)
01. 有馬 (316 hits)
01. 有馬溫泉及附近街道 (413 hits)
02. 其他山路及有馬車站附近 (339 hits)
**有馬車站附近((((Video)))) (353 hits)
03. 大街 (382 hits)
Other (365 hits)
02. 神戶 (392 hits)
北野異人館 (392 hits)
Other (353 hits)
Day 04(大阪,奈良) (682 hits)
01. 奈良公園 (434 hits)
奈良公園 (412 hits)
其他紅葉 (404 hits)
02. 東大寺 (431 hits)
03. 大阪及其他 (441 hits)
Day 05(京都) (640 hits)
01. 抵達京都 (393 hits)
02. 東福寺 (404 hits)
01. 東福寺入口,通天橋,禪堂等等 (385 hits)
02. 方丈南庭 (311 hits)
03. 東福寺園林 (379 hits)
**東福寺園林((((Video)))) (333 hits)
03. 伏見稻荷大社 (378 hits)
01. 步行至伏見稻荷大社 (377 hits)
02. 伏見稻荷大社 (396 hits)
03. 千本鳥居 (379 hits)
民宿&Other (340 hits)
Day 06(京都) (616 hits)
01. 南禪寺 (404 hits)
02. 真如堂,永觀堂 (431 hits)
03. 哲學之道,大豐神社 (397 hits)
Other (405 hits)
Day 07(京都) (659 hits)
01. 東本願寺,八坂神社參道 (319 hits)
02. 祇園,信三郎布包 (402 hits)
03. 八阪神社 (404 hits)
04. 天龍寺 (406 hits)
Other (387 hits)
Day 08(京都) (719 hits)
01. 車站附近街道及渡月橋河邊 (547 hits)
02. 嵯峨野小火車 (397 hits)
: **嵯峨野小火車((((Video)))) (469 hits)
03. 天龍寺, 渡月橋 (463 hits)
**天龍寺本堂((((Video)))) (393 hits)
京都民宿&Other (422 hits)
Day 09(和歌山,白濱) (680 hits)
01. 和歌山 (395 hits)
02. 白濱Tore-tore市場 (440 hits)
03. 白濱梅樽溫泉 (429 hits)
Day 10(白濱,和歌山,大阪) (736 hits)
01. 白濱至和歌山 (459 hits)
02. 貴志川線 (466 hits)
**貴志川線貓火車((((Video)))) (443 hits)
03. 貴志站 (433 hits)
04. 伊太祁曾站,伊太祁曾神社 (425 hits)
05. 大阪及Other (400 hits)
Day 11(大阪) (681 hits)
台南市,台北,新竹(內灣)2012 (665 hits)
Day 01(台南市) (667 hits)
01. 台南火車站,阿瑞意麵 (442 hits)
02. 海安路,仁愛街,南沙宮,神農街,金華府 (454 hits)
03. 台南謝宅,海聖會,海安宮,赤嵌棺材板,侯夜擔仔麵,蜷尾家, (358 hits)
Day 02(台南市) (671 hits)
01. 保安宮,阿堂鹹粥,護境松王,開基武廟,大天后宮,萬福庵照牆,赤崁樓 (342 hits)
02. 開基武廟,祭典武廟,孔廟 (334 hits)
**台南市某展品((((Video)))) (379 hits)
03. 窄門咖啡,阿明豬心冬粉,沙卡里巴 (372 hits)
**沙卡里巴((((Video)))) (383 hits)
04. 台南謝宅 & Other (449 hits)
Day 03(台南市) (628 hits)
01. 國華街民族路三段 (442 hits)
02. 德記洋行,安平樹屋 (426 hits)
**安平樹屋((((Video)))) (359 hits)
03. 台鹼宿舍區,安平古堡,周龍殿,安平舊街及劍獅 (351 hits)
04. 鹿耳門聖母廟 (425 hits)
晚飯 & Other (432 hits)
Day 04(台南市) (604 hits)
01. 早上的謝宅 (499 hits)
02. 海安路矮仔蝦仁飯,沙崙車站 (307 hits)
**台南市街景((((Video)))) (397 hits)
03. 台北star hostel & 乾杯bar dinner (437 hits)
Day 05(台北) (651 hits)
01. 和平東路燒餅 (418 hits)
02. 華山創意文化園區,良記牛肉麵 & 台北某cafe (346 hits)
03. 寶藏巖 (442 hits)
Day 06(新竹內灣) (556 hits)
01. 六家,竹中至內灣車站 & 富貴,竹中,六合,桃園車站 (299 hits)
02. 內灣派出所,廣濟宮,加水站遺跡 (369 hits)
03. 木馬道遺址,內灣小學,劉興欽漫畫館,地磅遺跡 (351 hits)
04. 內灣吊橋,內灣老街,小吃,內灣戲院 (475 hits)
**台南市街景((((Video)))) (342 hits)
05. 林務局,內灣天主堂,內灣郵局及周邊舊街,庄頭伯公廟及500年茄苳樹 (337 hits)
06. 九芎坪隧道,攀龍吊橋 (429 hits)
07. 橫山采風館 (521 hits)
08. 合興車站 (438 hits)
惠東雙月灣 (727 hits)
Day 01 (891 hits)
01. 農地及農場 (462 hits)
02. 對開農田及路邊牛 (434 hits)
03. 日落 & Night (471 hits)
Eat & Other (387 hits)
Day 02 (700 hits)
01. 海龜館 & 雙月灣 (423 hits)
02. 巽寮媽祖廟, 巽寮灣, 榜山古寺 & 平海古鎮(西門) (382 hits)
03. 日落及晚飯 (408 hits)
Eat & Other (454 hits)
Day 03 (776 hits)
田園土法烤雞 (429 hits)
Other (374 hits)
鼓浪嶼 (890 hits)
Day 01 (940 hits)
01. 鼓浪嶼及龍山洞 (618 hits)
02.舊街及舊屋 (617 hits)
03. 鋪及夜街 (671 hits)
04. Dinner &酒店 (630 hits)
Day 02 (866 hits)
01. 舊街&舊屋 (608 hits)
內厝澳路一帶 (567 hits)
筆山隧道另一邊 (562 hits)
旗尾路一帶 (573 hits)
體育館一帶 (556 hits)
**P1250718((((Video)))) (605 hits)
02. 日光岩 (557 hits)
**P1150750((((Video)))) (613 hits)
03. 百鳥園 & 寂莊花園 (643 hits)
04.夜街 (592 hits)
Other (690 hits)
**P1250713((((Video)))) (535 hits)
Day 03 (885 hits)
01. 筆山公園 (585 hits)
02. 舊街舊屋 (737 hits)
03. 日落 (565 hits)
04. 夜街及dinner (625 hits)
Other (680 hits)
Day 04 (881 hits)
鼓浪嶼 (617 hits)
廈門 (622 hits)
越南,柬埔寨 (1120 hits)
Day 01(越南HCM) (862 hits)
01. 豪仕坊 (836 hits)
02. Binh Tay Market(平西市場) (892 hits)
03. Near with River, Bui Vien St & Pham Ngu Lao(河岸及范老五附近) (675 hits)
Other (697 hits)
Day 02(越南HCM & 湄公河Cai Be/Vinh Long) (989 hits)
01. Cai Be(湄公河) (571 hits)
Cai Be River & Market (563 hits)
Lunch & other Stuffs e.g rice paper, coconut candy etc (647 hits)
02. Vinh Long (608 hits)
03. Back to Pham Ngu Lao(范老五) & Way to Cho Binh Tay(檳城夜市) (661 hits)
Other (596 hits)
Day 03(越南HCM) (882 hits)
01. Reunification Palace(統一宮) (821 hits)
02. War Remnants Museum(戰爭博物館) (903 hits)
03. Saigon Notre-Dame Basilica(法國紅教堂), Central Post Office & Den Tho Ba Mariamman (610 hits)
Other (559 hits)
Day 04(越南HCM & 柬埔寨Siem Reap) (1069 hits)
01. Local Market near with National Road 6 (603 hits)
Outside (756 hits)
Inside (621 hits)
02. Post office & Siem Reap River (630 hits)
03. Psar Chaa(Old Market), Bar Street & Center Market (620 hits)
04. Nightfall & IKTT (690 hits)
05. Dinner & Night (633 hits)
Other (539 hits)
Day 05(柬埔寨Siem Reap-大吳哥城AngkorThom & 吳哥窟AngkorWat) (926 hits)
01. South Gate (594 hits)
02. Bayon(巴戎寺) (866 hits)
03. Baphuon(巴芳寺or巴普昂寺) (748 hits)
04. King Terrace(國王平台),Phimeanakas(天宮or空中宮殿),LadyPool(女池),Elephant Terrace(大象台),Leperking Terrace(癲王台) (737 hits)
05. Prasat Suor Prat(十二生肖塔),West Gate,Thommanon(塔瑪儂寺),Chau Say Tevoda(周薩神廟),Ta Kev(塔高寺) (728 hits)
06. Ta Prohm(塔布隆寺or塔普倫寺),Banteay Kdei(斑蒂喀黛寺),Prasat Kravan(豆蔻寺) (931 hits)
07. Sunset at Angkor Wat(吳哥窟) (768 hits)
Other (803 hits)
Day 06(柬埔寨Siem Reap-Angkor Wat & Far Temple) (912 hits)
01. Sunrise at Angkor Wat & East Gate (624 hits)
02. Preah Khan(聖劍寺,寶劍塔) (705 hits)
03. Neak Pean(涅槃宮,龍蟠寺),Ta Som(達松寺) (664 hits)
04. East Mebon(東美朋寺),Banteay Srei(女皇宮) (816 hits)
05. Kbal Spean(高布斯濱水底浮雕),Banteay Somre(班提色瑪寺) (864 hits)
06. Sunset at Pre-Rup(變身塔) & Magic Hour near with Sras Srang(皇家浴池) (572 hits)
Other (514 hits)
Day 07(柬埔寨Siem Reap-Far Temple & Rolous Group) (994 hits)
01. Sunrise at Sras Srang(皇家浴池) & way to Beng Mealea(崩密列) (712 hits)
**7024P1240518((((Video)))) better version (657 hits)
02. Beng Mealea(崩密列) (855 hits)
03. Lolei(羅雷寺),Preah Ko(聖牛寺,神牛寺) (665 hits)
04. Bakong(巴孔寺) (622 hits)
05. Sunset at Phnom Bakheng(巴肯山) (676 hits)
Other (722 hits)
Day 08(柬埔寨Siem Reap & Phnom Penh金邊) (883 hits)
01. Siem Reap to Phnom Penh (729 hits)
02. Central Market(Phsar Thmey,金邊中央市場) (795 hits)
03. Night of 金邊大街,旁海大道及街市 (848 hits)
Other (585 hits)
Day 09(柬埔寨金邊Phnom Penh) (834 hits)
01. Killing Field(萬人塚) (747 hits)
02. Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum(S21,吐斯廉屠殺博物館) (865 hits)
03. Russian Market(Phsar Toul Tom Poung,俄羅斯市場) (770 hits)
04. Independence Monument(獨立紀念碑), Wat Phnom(塔山寺) (667 hits)
05. Daraksmey(Dinner) & 金邊夜市 (560 hits)
Other (563 hits)
Day 10(柬埔寨金邊Phnom Penh) (1024 hits)
01. Morning in Phnom Penh & Way to Oudong(Udong烏登) (615 hits)
02. (Udong烏登) (799 hits)
03. Mekong Island(湄公島) (715 hits)
Way to Mekong Island (675 hits)
**10133P1240959((((Video)))) (610 hits)
Mekong Island (640 hits)
**10155P1240991((((Video)))) (555 hits)
**10160P1240998((((Video)))) (535 hits)
**10170P1250015((((Video)))) (565 hits)
**10170P1250018((((Video)))) (576 hits)
Leaving from Mekong Island (726 hits)
**10196P1250041((((Video)))) (529 hits)
**10206P1250059((((Video)))) (566 hits)
**10217P1250078((((Video)))) (502 hits)
**10222P1250087((((Video)))) (532 hits)
04. Old Market, Post office & Dusk of Palace (769 hits)
Other (625 hits)
Day 11(柬埔寨金邊Phnom Penh) (998 hits)
01. Community & St. near with Wat Ounalom(烏隆寺) (647 hits)
02. National Museum(國家博物館) (633 hits)
03. Royal Palace(皇宮) (574 hits)
04. Silver Pagoda(銀宮,銀佛寺) (683 hits)
**11113P1250206((((Video)))) (527 hits)
Other (584 hits)
台中,奧萬大,清境,合歡山,桃園老街 (1018 hits)
Day 01(台中) (836 hits)
01. 彩虹眷村 (622 hits)
02. 勤美誠品(川島小鳥-未來ちゃん),鼎王 (525 hits)
03. 一中街夜市 (591 hits)
Hotel, Tea & Other (703 hits)
Day 02(台中,霧社,奧萬大,清境) (829 hits)
01. 台中車站 & 20號倉庫 (714 hits)
02. 台中第2市場 (571 hits)
03. 台中至霧社 (538 hits)
04. 奧萬大 (908 hits)
05. 返回霧社再上清境民宿 (659 hits)
06. 魯媽媽雲南擺夷料理及夜景 (774 hits)
Other (585 hits)
Day 03(清境,武嶺,合歡山) (968 hits)
01. 日出及早餐 (578 hits)
02. 清清草原 (810 hits)
03. 草原至紙箱王lunch (667 hits)
04. 武嶺 (678 hits)
05. 合歡山松雪樓 (634 hits)
Other (550 hits)
Day 04(合歡山,埔里,台中,台北) (874 hits)
01. 合歡山早上及早餐 (747 hits)
02. 落山及南投紙教堂 (692 hits)
03. 台中烏日站及台北 (653 hits)
Day 05(台北,桃園,香港) (885 hits)
01. 桃園大溪老街 (602 hits)
01. 和平路 (654 hits)
02. 中央路 (619 hits)
03. 中山路(新南老街) (676 hits)
04. 福仁宮 (683 hits)
05. 普濟路,中正公園,大溪橋及大慶洞 (584 hits)
Other (562 hits)
02. 桃園三峽老街 (596 hits)
01. 民權街 (791 hits)
02. 德福宮,興隆宮,清水祖師廟 (796 hits)
Other (558 hits)
Cebu & Bohol (1051 hits)
Day 01 (Cebu,Bohol) (904 hits)
01. Cebu to Bohol(Tagbilaran Pier) (725 hits)
02. Bohol Town & Bohol Beach Club (640 hits)
03. Beach & Sunset (737 hits)
Other, Lunch & Dinner (605 hits)
Day 02 (Bohol) (933 hits)
01. Blood Compact & Baclayon Church (624 hits)
02. Snake Farm & Floating Resto (739 hits)
03. Tarsier, Man Made Forest & Butterfly Farm (662 hits)
04. Chocolate Hill (668 hits)
05. Hanging Bridge (625 hits)
Other (632 hits)
Day 03 (Bohol) (861 hits)
01. Bohol Beach (610 hits)
02. Integrated Bus Terminal (645 hits)
03. Central Public Market (722 hits)
04. Sunset (585 hits)
Other (599 hits)
Day 04 (Bohol,Cebu) (1006 hits)
01. Basilica Minore Del Santo Nino (800 hits)
02. Magellan's Cross (664 hits)
03. Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral & near St (647 hits)
04. Colon St (683 hits)
05. Magellan's Market (806 hits)
other (642 hits)
Day 05 (Cebu,Manila,HK) (860 hits)
高雄,墾丁 (1357 hits)
Day 01(高雄) (1018 hits)
01. 駁二藝術區 (911 hits)
02. 單車到真愛碼頭,打狗驛,玫瑰聖母聖殿主教座堂 (914 hits)
03. 單車到西子灣 (687 hits)
04. 瑞豐夜市 (910 hits)
Eat & Other (660 hits)
Day 02(高雄) (993 hits)
01. 夢時代 (638 hits)
02. 鼓山至旗律及大碗公 (784 hits)
03. 旗律風車公園 (695 hits)
04. 旗律天后宮 (700 hits)
05. 旗律大街,旗律三路小食及海邊 (738 hits)
Eat & Other (660 hits)
Day 03(高雄,墾丁) (988 hits)
01. 高雄至墾丁及民宿-鹿角 (774 hits)
02. 國立海洋生物博物館 (1000 hits)
03. 墾丁大街 (694 hits)
Day 04(墾丁) (872 hits)
01. 鵝鑾鼻公園 (681 hits)
02. 龍磐公園 (727 hits)
03. 白砂,港口吊橋,東門 (623 hits)
04. 南門,貓鼻頭,南泉宮,白沙灣 (808 hits)
05. 關山日落 (680 hits)
06. 出火 (683 hits)
Other (684 hits)
Day 05(墾丁) (878 hits)
01.後壁湖 (804 hits)
02. 南門,恆春老街,西門 (787 hits)
03. 海邊日落 (655 hits)
Other (711 hits)
Day 06(墾丁,高雄) (1131 hits)
01. 墾丁海灘 (691 hits)
02. 美麗島車站,六合夜市 (872 hits)
Other (696 hits)
廣州2010 (1080 hits)
Day 01 (921 hits)
Day 02 (1058 hits)
01. 長洲村 (675 hits)
02. 農場楊桃 (617 hits)
03. 克珠小莊園走地雞 (733 hits)
04. 橋底的文化區 (762 hits)
05. 紅磚廠 (821 hits)
06. 廣州電視塔 (699 hits)
07. 炳勝 (731 hits)
eat & other (583 hits)
Day 03 (1049 hits)
台北,台東花蓮,台中 (1200 hits)
Day 01(台北) (1087 hits)
01. Hotel - Just Sleep (645 hits)
02. Dark Room Cafe (691 hits)
03. 西門町 & other (652 hits)
B&W (610 hits)
Day 02(台東花蓮) (999 hits)
01. 台北至花蓮 (663 hits)
02. 越牆工園 (624 hits)
外 (663 hits)
內 (577 hits)
03. 花蓮市中心 (886 hits)
04. 舊鐵道行人徒步區 (757 hits)
05. 南濱公園 (794 hits)
Day 03(台東花蓮) (917 hits)
01. 越牆工園第二天 (954 hits)
02. 055 Lunch (615 hits)
03. 市中心食街及Dinner (639 hits)
Day 04(台東花蓮,台北) (1022 hits)
花蓮 (653 hits)
01. 越牆工園last day (577 hits)
02. 越牆工園外之石灘 (624 hits)
03. 花蓮車站 (602 hits)
台北 (565 hits)
01. Booday蘑菇餐廳 (644 hits)
02. 周街行及搵食 (676 hits)
03. 日星鑄字行 (596 hits)
04. 夜及臨江夜市 (730 hits)
05. 紅樓及16工房 (654 hits)
Other (608 hits)
Day 05(台中) (1050 hits)
01. 彩虹街 (662 hits)
外圍 (843 hits)
內圍 (697 hits)
彩虹街與貓 (588 hits)
02. 犁頭店老街 & 台中街 (719 hits)
03. 紙箱王故事園區 (688 hits)
紙箱王故事園區 (641 hits)
主題餐廳 (693 hits)
記念品鋪 (604 hits)
夜 (627 hits)
04. 台中火車站 & Other (629 hits)
Day 06(台北) (983 hits)
01. hello kitty餐廳 (642 hits)
02. 秦家餅店 (676 hits)
03. 樂樂燒烤 (645 hits)
04. Other (639 hits)
Day 07(台北) (926 hits)
長白山 (1373 hits)
Day 01(長春,吉林) (1086 hits)
Day 02(吉林,敦化,延吉,二道白河) (1032 hits)
01. 吉林松花江 (618 hits)
02. 敦化 (646 hits)
正覺寺 (761 hits)
other & lunch (626 hits)
03. 延吉 (625 hits)
04. 二道白河 (673 hits)
Day 03(二道白河,長白山北坡) (1048 hits)
01. 進入長白山北坡 (689 hits)
02. 聚龍泉 (814 hits)
03. 銀環湖(小天池) (893 hits)
04. 天池(北坡) (741 hits)
way to 天池 (627 hits)
天池 (772 hits)
離開天池 (675 hits)
05. 地下森林 (840 hits)
Other(lunch, dinner, hotel & night of 二道白河) (674 hits)
Day 04(長白山西坡,松江河鎮) (1029 hits)
01. 錦江大峽谷(長白山大峽谷) (827 hits)
02. 天池(西坡) (803 hits)
03. 梯子河 (659 hits)
04. 松江河鎮 (670 hits)
other (581 hits)
Day 05(松江河鎮,二道白河,敦化市) (1006 hits)
01. 看台遠望長白山火山口 & 峽谷浮石林 (801 hits)
02. 長白山虎林園 (593 hits)
Other (614 hits)
Day 06(敦化,長春) (921 hits)
01. 長春向陽屯 (660 hits)
02. 偽滿皇宮博物館 (844 hits)
03. 文化廣場 & 東方餃子王之日落 (658 hits)
other (638 hits)
Day 07(輝南,長春) (927 hits)
01. way to 輝南 (571 hits)
02. 大龍灣 (670 hits)
03. 吊水壺瀑布 (769 hits)
04. 三角龍灣(小龍灣) (679 hits)
05. 小龍灣對出的花園 (644 hits)
other (675 hits)
Day 08(長春) (1012 hits)
日本(東京,川越) (1268 hits)
Day01(東京) (1087 hits)
01. 電車 (820 hits)
02. 築地漁市場 (785 hits)
Outside (973 hits)
Inside (795 hits)
壽司大 (836 hits)
03. 金龍山淺草寺 (1059 hits)
04. 秋葉源 (852 hits)
05. 歌舞伎町 (713 hits)
歌舞伎町 (694 hits)
Dinner-桂花拉麵 & Hotel-E-Hotel (681 hits)
Other (763 hits)
Day02(川越) (1093 hits)
川越市區(新) (793 hits)
川越市(舊) (763 hits)
街 (714 hits)
日 (703 hits)
夜 (666 hits)
屋 (680 hits)
01. 時之鐘 (769 hits)
02. 喜多院,多寶塔,德川家光誕生間,五百羅漢 (638 hits)
01. 喜多院 (864 hits)
02. 德川家光誕生間 (709 hits)
03. 五百羅漢 & 多寶塔 (687 hits)
Other (657 hits)
03. 三芳野神社,川越郊外田地,冰川神社 (569 hits)
01. 三芳野神社 (625 hits)
02. 川越郊外田地 (610 hits)
03. 冰川神社 (610 hits)
冰川神社外 (605 hits)
冰川神社內 (714 hits)
04. 佐久間旅館 (827 hits)
Other (748 hits)
Day03(川越,東京) (1032 hits)
川越 (771 hits)
01. 佐久間旅館 (813 hits)
02. 街 (719 hits)
03. 屋 (819 hits)
龜屋 (790 hits)
龜屋榮泉 (675 hits)
時之鐘 (687 hits)
other (745 hits)
04. 廟 (758 hits)
05. 果子屋橫町 (738 hits)
果子屋橫町外 (771 hits)
果子屋橫町主街 (874 hits)
06. 火車站 (687 hits)
東京 (725 hits)
01. 新宿西口 (700 hits)
02. 原宿 (706 hits)
01. 竹下通 (658 hits)
02. harajuku st (698 hits)
03. 表參道,澀谷 (902 hits)
04. Mori Tower-東京夜景 (676 hits)
Other (736 hits)
Day04(東京) (991 hits)
01. 深大寺 (672 hits)
01. 鬼太郎茶屋 (796 hits)
02. 門前,元祖鳩田家,青木屋,龜島弁財天池,深沙大王堂 (801 hits)
03. 深大寺乾門,元三大師堂 (663 hits)
04. 本堂,八起 (775 hits)
05. Geocaching,青渭神社 (785 hits)
02. 天神通商品街 & 吉祥寺 (762 hits)
03. 新宿,燒鳥橫町 (881 hits)
Other (648 hits)
Day05(東京) (1120 hits)
01. 火車站 & 附近 (776 hits)
02. 阿美橫丁 (883 hits)
03. 上野公園 (777 hits)
Other (767 hits)
尼泊爾 (1462 hits)
Day01 (Kathmandu) (1129 hits)
Day02 (Kathmandu) (1167 hits)
01. Thamel (850 hits)
Day (752 hits)
Night (885 hits)
Rum Doodle (749 hits)
02. Bhaktapur (811 hits)
Way to Bhaktapur, Durbar High School, Rani Pokhari & Bus station in Kathmandu (966 hits)
Bhaktapur (753 hits)
01. Street & Building of Bhaktapur (978 hits)
02. Peacock Window, Market of Bhaktapur & other (882 hits)
03. Temple of Nyatapola & another Temple of Bhaktapur (1000 hits)
04. Mo Mo Max & Leaving from Bhaktapur (886 hits)
03. Patan (1112 hits)
Other (580 hits)
Day03 (Pokhara) (1114 hits)
01. Way to domestic airport & flying in the sky (762 hits)
02. Pokhara Airport & Street (739 hits)
01. Pokhara Airport (676 hits)
02. day & moon dance (794 hits)
03. night (793 hits)
03. Way to World peace pagoda (1217 hits)
04. Way to Devi's Fall (982 hits)
Day04 (Pokhara,Naya Pul,Tikhedunga) (1111 hits)
01. Pokhara to Naya Pul (712 hits)
02. Naya Pul Checkpoint & Breakfast in Moonlight hotel (790 hits)
03. Naya Pul to Tikhedunga (779 hits)
Naya Pul to Tikhedunga (1020 hits)
Lunch in Mountain Lodge and Restaurant (766 hits)
Tikhedunga Laxmi Guest House (860 hits)
Day05 (Tikhedunga,Ghorepani) (1224 hits)
01. Breakfast in Laxmi & Tikhedunga to 1st & 2nd rest point (1012 hits)
02. Lunch in Fish Tail Peak Guest House to last rest point (973 hits)
03. Ghorepani (862 hits)
04. Sunset & Hotel Snowland (831 hits)
Day06 (Ghorepani,Poon Hill,Tadapani) (1150 hits)
01. Ghorepani to Poon Hill (733 hits)
Poon Hill (1021 hits)
back to Hotel Snowland (731 hits)
02. Ghorepani to Tadapani (731 hits)
Leaving Ghorepani to Deurali (805 hits)
Deurali to Saranga River & lunch in Tranquility guest house (813 hits)
Tranquility guest house to Tadapani (779 hits)
Dinner & Night view from Hotel super view top (718 hits)
Day07 (TadaPani,Ghandruk,Kimche,Syauli Bazzar) (1344 hits)
01. TadaPani to Ghandruk (645 hits)
Morning in Hotel super view top (674 hits)
TadaPani to Ghandruk (845 hits)
Lunch in Annapurna Guest House (684 hits)
02. Ghandruk to Kimche (854 hits)
03. Kimche to Syauli Bazzar (943 hits)
04. Sikhar guest house (770 hits)
Day08 (Syauli Bazzar,Naya Pui,Pokhara) (1163 hits)
01. Syauli Bazzar to Naya Pul (899 hits)
02. Naya Pul to Pokhara (698 hits)
Pokhara (763 hits)
Day & Daal Bhaat Lunch (741 hits)
Night & Dinner in Lemon Tree (748 hits)
Fewa Lake, Pumpernickel bakery & Varahi Temple (1031 hits)
Day09 (Pokhara,Kathmandu) (1144 hits)
01. Pokhara to Kathmandu & way to Boudha (727 hits)
02. Boudha (736 hits)
Boudha (1119 hits)
Lunch in Chhorten Restaurant (666 hits)
03. Pashupatinath (754 hits)
Near the river (930 hits)
Outside of a river (769 hits)
04. Pashupatinath to Thamel & Dinner in La Dolce Vita (847 hits)
Day10 (Kathmandu) (1171 hits)
01. Swayambhunath Buddhist Temple (763 hits)
Square (830 hits)
Top (735 hits)
Foot of hill (751 hits)
02. Durbar Square (730 hits)
Way to Durbur Square (796 hits)
Durbar Square (1028 hits)
Kumari Bahal (737 hits)
Freak Street (685 hits)
Freak Street (808 hits)
Snowman Cafe (718 hits)
03. New Road (770 hits)
04. Durbar Square to Thamel (736 hits)
Durbar Square to Thamel (785 hits)
Kaiser Cafe (744 hits)
05. Other & Kathmandu airport to HKG (716 hits)
Trekking Map (1358 hits)
永定土樓 (1924 hits)
Day 01 (梅州,聯芳樓) (1477 hits)
聯芳樓 (881 hits)
Outside (794 hits)
Inside (851 hits)
Night of 梅州 (825 hits)
Other (833 hits)
Day 02 (繼善樓,土樓王國) (1629 hits)
繼善樓 (1069 hits)
土樓王國 (846 hits)
土樓王國入口,天後宮,玉城樓 (736 hits)
振成樓 (843 hits)
Outside (833 hits)
Inside (893 hits)
福興樓,福裕樓 (897 hits)
如昇樓 (852 hits)
奎聚樓 (832 hits)
Other (781 hits)
Day 03 (大東鎮梯田,花萼樓) (1539 hits)
大東鎮的坪山千畝梯田 (960 hits)
花萼樓 (823 hits)
Outside (792 hits)
Inside (1080 hits)
Other (769 hits)
張家界,鳳凰古城 (2154 hits)
Day 01(長沙) (2324 hits)
Day 02(張家界國家森林公園) (1367 hits)
張家界國家森林公園 (882 hits)
金邊溪,跳魚潭,金鞭岩,千里相會 (1121 hits)
黃石寨,天子山,御筆山峰,四十八將軍岩,水繞四門 (1025 hits)
Other (927 hits)
Day 03(張家界 & 鳳凰古城) (1499 hits)
張家界 (829 hits)
龍皇洞 (903 hits)
寶峰湖 (1054 hits)
賀龍公園,仙女獻花,十里畫廊,三姊妹峰,天下第一橋,後花園 (1303 hits)
Other (677 hits)
鳳凰古城 - 夜 (894 hits)
鳳凰古城 - 夜 (900 hits)
Other (876 hits)
Day 04(鳳凰古城 & 芙蓉鎮) (1389 hits)
鳳凰古城 - 日 (859 hits)
舊屋及街 (967 hits)
河及屋 (1182 hits)
Other (808 hits)
芙蓉鎮 (1019 hits)
Day 05(長沙) (1240 hits)
天心閣 & 馬王堆展覽館 (912 hits)
岳麓書院 (828 hits)
黑白相 (1224 hits)
意大利 (2278 hits)
Day01 (Roma) (1631 hits)
01. Airport & Metro (1856 hits)
02. Way to Hotel & Hotel Magic (858 hits)
03. Piazza del Colosseo圓形競技場 (829 hits)
Outside (805 hits)
Inside (701 hits)
04. Arco di Costantino君士坦丁凱旋門,Colle Palatino帕拉蒂尼山,Other (818 hits)
01. Arco di Costantino君士坦丁凱旋門,Colle Palatino帕拉蒂尼山, Foro Traiano 圖拉真廣場 (735 hits)
02. Palazzo Venezia威尼斯廣場 (621 hits)
03. Piazza del Campidoglio卡比多里奧廣場,Chiesa di Santa Maria Sopra Minerva 大象,Santa Maria in Cosmedin科士美教的聖母教堂,Arco di Costantino真實之口 (783 hits)
Church, Street & Other (774 hits)
Church & Other Stuff (525 hits)
Street (810 hits)
Day02 (Roma & Vatican) (1613 hits)
01. Vatican梵諦岡 (1132 hits)
Outside (1694 hits)
Inside (709 hits)
01. Post Office (717 hits)
02. Corridor, Roof & Michelangelo's The Last Judgment (674 hits)
03. Sculpture & Artwork (734 hits)
04. Fountain (770 hits)
02. Castel S.Angelo 聖天使城堡 (913 hits)
03. Spanish Steps 西班牙廣場,Trinita dei Monti 聖三一教堂 (906 hits)
04. Fontana delle Api蜜蜂泉, Fontana del Tritone 海神之泉 (832 hits)
05. Fontana di Trevi 特萊維噴泉 (1040 hits)
Other (810 hits)
Hotel,Train,Metro & Other Stuff (747 hits)
Eat & Street (777 hits)
Day03 (Firenze) (1258 hits)
01. Hotel Soggiorno Gloria & Mercato Centrale Market (718 hits)
Hotel Soggiorno Gloria, Lunch & Dinner (772 hits)
Mercato Centrale Market (686 hits)
02. Duomo Cattedrale Di S. Maria 花之聖母教堂,Giotto's Campanile 喬托鐘樓 (776 hits)
Outside (732 hits)
Inside (719 hits)
Roof (733 hits)
03. Ponte Vecchio 浪漫老橋 (889 hits)
Street & Other (765 hits)
Street (802 hits)
Other (688 hits)
Day04 (Firenze-Pisa-Lucca) (1394 hits)
01. Pisa (960 hits)
Church, Street & Other Stuff (672 hits)
Wall Printing (739 hits)
Palazzo della Carovana (696 hits)
Piazza del Duomo (715 hits)
02. Lucca (904 hits)
01. Lucca Train station & Entry to Lucca (800 hits)
02. Duomo di San Martino (703 hits)
03. Piazza Anfiteatro (838 hits)
04. Torre delle ore (789 hits)
05. Street & Other (817 hits)
03. Firenze S.M.N & Sunset & Dinner (778 hits)
Other (711 hits)
Day05 (Firenze) (2732 hits)
01. Piazza Michelangelo米開朗基羅廣場 (996 hits)
02. Chiesa di Santa Maria Novella (1104 hits)
03. Piazza della Signoria 領主廣場 (965 hits)
04. Piazza S Croce & Lunch (1083 hits)
05. Ponte Vecchio 浪漫老橋 (1072 hits)
06. Uiffizi 烏費茲美術館 (1105 hits)
07. Palazzo Pitti & near around (1122 hits)
Other (1191 hits)
Day06 (Firenze & Venezia) (1374 hits)
01. Piazza della Santissima Annunziata歐洲首間兒院&天使報喜教堂 (787 hits)
Outside-Piazza (696 hits)
Inside-Church (823 hits)
02. Venezia (913 hits)
Vaporetto Pier, Santa Lucia station, Hostel Trinita (739 hits)
Venezia Sea (825 hits)
Gondola & Buliding of Venezia (948 hits)
Night of Venezia (842 hits)
Other (758 hits)
Day07 (Venezia) (1392 hits)
01. Breakfast, Morning of Venezia, Vaporetto & Pier (811 hits)
02. Murano (855 hits)
Pier & Sea (817 hits)
People & Shop (660 hits)
Buliding & Other (731 hits)
Another side of Murano (759 hits)
03. Burano (878 hits)
Buliding (929 hits)
Flower (845 hits)
Sea & River & Other (697 hits)
Window (904 hits)
Day08 (Venezia) (1331 hits)
01. Breakfast, Dinner & Other (756 hits)
02. City Of Venezia (1014 hits)
03. Shop & Lunch (830 hits)
04. Pescheria威尼斯魚市場, Ca'd'Oro(Galleria Franchetti)黃金宮 (926 hits)
05. Ponte di Rialto雷雅托橋 (828 hits)
06. Plazza San Marco 聖•馬可廣場 (891 hits)
07. Dusk & Night of Venezia (771 hits)
Day09 (Venezia & Milano) (1213 hits)
City of Venezia & other (789 hits)
Milano (806 hits)
Milano Centrale station, Metro, Hotel & Other (741 hits)
Trim & Street (703 hits)
The Duomo 大教堂, Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II (712 hits)
Castello Sforzesco 斯福爾扎古堡 (823 hits)
Day10( Milano & Roma) (1417 hits)
Milano(breakfast, market outside of hotel & Trim) (784 hits)
Roma (792 hits)
Scott House hotel, Street & Other (767 hits)
Piazza Navona 納沃納廣場 (782 hits)
Night of Roma (738 hits)
Day11 (Roma) (3371 hits)
廣州2008(長洲島) (1638 hits)
01. 農場 (882 hits)
02. 長洲島深井舊村 (1269 hits)
03. 驢肉山莊 (793 hits)
04. 渡船,鐵路 (858 hits)
05. Other (799 hits)
澳門2008 (1536 hits)
01. 澳門市區 (853 hits)
02. 氹仔&喜蓮咖啡 (897 hits)
03. 路環 (792 hits)
陳勝記 (732 hits)
街 & 葡式燒烤 (740 hits)
04. 毛記海鮮飯店 (915 hits)
Other (669 hits)
廣州2008 (1359 hits)
Eat (773 hits)
沙面 (923 hits)
陳家祠 (893 hits)
街 and Other (854 hits)
倫敦,巴黎,巴塞隆納 (2094 hits)
Before the trip-30apr(HKG) (1115 hits)
London (1064 hits)
30apr(LON) (1249 hits)
01. London airport & tube (775 hits)
02. Hotel Meridiana (741 hits)
03. Brick Lane & Spitalfields market (761 hits)
04. 30 St Mary Axe (758 hits)
05. British Museum (894 hits)
Oxford Circus & Piccadilly Circus (854 hits)
07. Trafalgar Square (647 hits)
08. Westminster (809 hits)
30apr-other (682 hits)
01may(LON) (980 hits)
12may(LON) (1242 hits)
01. Buckingham Palace(白金漢宮) (814 hits)
02. Westminster & other (940 hits)
BCN Train station & Airport and LON underground & Airport (777 hits)
Paris (1315 hits)
01may(PAR) (1266 hits)
01. Leaving Hotel Meridiana(King's Cross Street) & Tube (776 hits)
02. Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport & Metro (972 hits)
03. Hotel Camelia Prestige (545 hits)
04. Tours de Notre-Dame 凱旋門 (866 hits)
05. Av.Des Campsees 香榭麗謝大道 (786 hits)
06. Tour Eiffel 巴黎鐵塔 (814 hits)
07. Place de la Concorde 協和廣場 (814 hits)
Other (723 hits)
02may(PAR) (1214 hits)
01. Montmartre & Place du Tertre & Basilique du Sacre-Coeur 蒙馬特&聖心堂 (730 hits)
Saint Jean de Montmartre Church (664 hits)
Place du Tertre (710 hits)
Basilique du Sacre-Coeur (807 hits)
Other (623 hits)
02. Cafe des Deux Moulin (635 hits)
03. Moulin Rouge(紅磨坊) (741 hits)
04. Lafay & Printemps(老佛爺春天百貨) (805 hits)
05. Trocadero & night of Tour Eiffel (646 hits)
Other & Metro (677 hits)
Metro (653 hits)
Other (648 hits)
03may(PAR) (1204 hits)
01. le Pantheon (779 hits)
02. Rue Mouffetard (896 hits)
03. Rue Jean calvin (689 hits)
04. Shakespeare & Co.Bookshop (816 hits)
05. Notre Dame de Paris(巴黎聖母院) (867 hits)
06. Centre Pompidou (806 hits)
other & metro (648 hits)
04may(PAR) (1193 hits)
01. Versailles(凡爾賽宮) (697 hits)
Versailles-Outside (757 hits)
Versailles-Inside (704 hits)
02. Palais de Tokyo (694 hits)
Other (659 hits)
05may(PAR) (1434 hits)
01. Marche aux Puces St-Ouen (764 hits)
02. Musee du Louvre(羅浮宮) (722 hits)
Musee du Louvre - Outside (634 hits)
Musee du Louvre - Inside (801 hits)
03. Church near with Musee du Louvre (1899 hits)
04. Dinner in rue Mouffetard (622 hits)
Other (708 hits)
06may(PAR) (1190 hits)
01. Pere Lachaise Market (876 hits)
02. coffee shop near with Pere Lachaise Market (679 hits)
03. Pere Lachaise Cemetery (843 hits)
04. La Villette(牛棚) (1038 hits)
05. Paris Austerlitz & Euro Star (590 hits)
Other (664 hits)
Barcelona (1323 hits)
07may(BCN) (1346 hits)
01. Train station(Estacio de franca) & metro (683 hits)
02. BCN hostel(張阿姨旅店) & Poblenou (816 hits)
03. El Gotic(哥特區) (994 hits)
01. La Merce basilica & Placa Del Rei(國王廣場) (2154 hits)
02. Catedral de Barcelona(大教堂) (738 hits)
03. Carrer del Bisbe Irurita (733 hits)
04. Placa de sant jaume(聖海梅廣場) & Downtown (700 hits)
05. lglesia de Santa Maria del Mar(海上聖母教堂) (749 hits)
06. Museu Picasso(畢加索美術館) & Archivo de la corona de aragon (747 hits)
Other (769 hits)
04. Papabubble (761 hits)
05. Barceloneta (859 hits)
Other (739 hits)
08may(BCN) (1167 hits)
01. Hospital de la Santa Cteu I Sant Pau(聖十字及聖和平醫院) (1005 hits)
02. Sagrada Familia(聖家堂) (984 hits)
03. Casa Mila(米拉之家) (936 hits)
04. Casa Batllo(巴由之家) (717 hits)
05. Placa de Toros Monumental(大牛場) (631 hits)
other & metro (731 hits)
09may(BCN) (1274 hits)
01. Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya(MNAC,達加泰隆尼美術館) (932 hits)
02. Poble Espanyol de Montjuic(西班牙村) (849 hits)
03. Palau Guell(奎爾宮) (694 hits)
04. La Boqueria(聖荷西市場) (719 hits)
Market & stuff (656 hits)
stuff and some person (652 hits)
pattern (654 hits)
10may(BCN) (1201 hits)
01. Parc Guell(奎爾公園) (795 hits)
01. Entrance to the Park & Shop (663 hits)
Entrance to the Park (655 hits)
Shop near the Entrance (625 hits)
02. Gaudi's Tiled Mosaics(ceiling) (628 hits)
03. Main terrace with Chair (629 hits)
04. Colonnaded footpath (648 hits)
05. Casa Museu Gaudi (921 hits)
06. Walkways in Park Guell (621 hits)
07. Queen & footpath (620 hits)
Hostel & Other (649 hits)
11may(BCN) (1312 hits)
01. Parc Guell(奎爾公園) & back to down street (651 hits)
Parc Guell (804 hits)
down street (653 hits)
02. Monumrntot a Colon(哥倫布紀念塔) (809 hits)
03. El Gotic(哥特區) for lunch (690 hits)
04. Barceloneta (730 hits)
Way to Barceloneta (688 hits)
Barceloneta (636 hits)
From Barceloneta back to Hostel (592 hits)
05. Fountain show & Sagrada Familia(聖家堂)-Night (616 hits)
Fountain show (571 hits)
Sagrada Familia(聖家堂)-Night (640 hits)
metro, spending & other (656 hits)
Metro (566 hits)
Spending (610 hits)
Other (630 hits)
澳門2007 (1537 hits)
Day (930 hits)
Night (986 hits)
廣州2007 (1555 hits)
黃埔長洲島 (817 hits)
食 (807 hits)
天河夜街 (757 hits)
Other (800 hits)
上海Sep2007 (1548 hits)
Day (909 hits)
M50 (830 hits)
M50 Inside (828 hits)
M50 Outside (654 hits)
多倫路 (700 hits)
朱家角 (951 hits)
南京路步行街-日 (690 hits)
徐家匯天主教堂 (768 hits)
豫園 (635 hits)
Other (893 hits)
Night (840 hits)
南京路步行街 (758 hits)
東方明珠塔 (636 hits)
外灘 (711 hits)
Other (684 hits)
Eat (901 hits)
小楊生煎館 (839 hits)
好吃火鍋店 (734 hits)
豫園 - 南翔饅頭店 (648 hits)
Other (885 hits)
Other (771 hits)
上海Jul2007 (929 hits)
上海 (906 hits)
周莊 (1321 hits)
台北2007 (1631 hits)
食 (958 hits)
早餐 @ 信陽麵館 (735 hits)
晚餐 @ Laku Laku (738 hits)
早餐 @ 中華餃子麵館 (693 hits)
胡椒餅 (737 hits)
酒店樓下打邊爐 (774 hits)
淡水 (902 hits)
101 (1063 hits)
西門町 (908 hits)
士林 (968 hits)
台北2006 (1638 hits)
士林 (930 hits)
西門町 (960 hits)
Other (734 hits)
澳門2006 (1742 hits)
澳門 (1013 hits)
廟 (752 hits)
街 & 飲飲食食 (1021 hits)
燈塔 (738 hits)
氹仔 (1028 hits)
氹仔市 (1029 hits)
黑沙灣 (721 hits)
路環 (1247 hits)
雲南 (2800 hits)
昆明 (1602 hits)
麗江 (1346 hits)
抵達麗江 (1116 hits)
玉龍雪山(旄牛坪) - 白水河 (1143 hits)
麗江古城 - 木府 (1455 hits)
離開麗江 (817 hits)
大理 (1233 hits)
抵達大理 (1242 hits)
大理古城 (1625 hits)
離開大理 (798 hits)
無聊作 (1033 hits)
深圳 (1072 hits)
台北2004 (1090 hits)
TaipeiTown (968 hits)
淡水 (1077 hits)
陽明山 (893 hits)
瑞芳-菁桐-平溪-十分 (1467 hits)
澳門2004 (1174 hits)
深圳世界之窗 (993 hits)
Singapore (1169 hits)
Malaysia-Penang George Town (1141 hits)
台北2002 (1393 hits)
風景 (7728 hits)
二澳探秘行 (628 hits)
**大澳貓((((Video)))) (293 hits)
三日兩夜大嶼山走營(東涌,法門古道,石壁郊遊徑,分流,二澳,大澳) (538 hits)
Day 01 (530 hits)
01. 東涌至石門甲村 (254 hits)
02. 法門古道至昂坪營地 (293 hits)
Day 02 (568 hits)
01. 昂坪營地至寶蓮寺,心經簡林 (310 hits)
02. 石壁郊遊徑 (289 hits)
03. 石壁水塘 (259 hits)
04. 大浪灣,狗嶺涌,分流,煎魚灣,二澳,牙鷹角 (309 hits)
Day 03 (454 hits)
map (295 hits)
環湖-船灣淡水湖郊遊徑 (675 hits)
01. 烏絞騰,九手旦租,大峒,觀音峒,鹿湖峒 (335 hits)
02. 鵝髻頂,虎頭沙,長牌墩,伯公咀 (323 hits)
03. 白沙頭,大尾篤 (526 hits)
map (311 hits)
大嶼山3日2夜camp(東涌昂坪羌山龍仔大澳) (720 hits)
Day 01 (575 hits)
01. 東涌至昂坪360救援徑 (415 hits)
02. 東昂棧道,彌勒山郊遊徑至昂坪營地 (280 hits)
Day 02 (616 hits)
01. 昂坪營地,昂坪市集,大佛,心經簡林 (324 hits)
02. 心經簡林入木魚山,獅子頭石,古道,昂坪污水廠大路 (339 hits)
03. 昂坪路,深屈道,羌山道入鳳凰徑5段,觀音山 (310 hits)
04. 羌山,萬丈布營地 (419 hits)
Day 03 (558 hits)
01. 萬丈布營地,龍仔悟圓 (391 hits)
02. 大澳 (437 hits)
01. 梁屋村,鹽田,東方小祇園 (394 hits)
02. 大澳大街 (373 hits)
map (392 hits)
八仙嶺 (681 hits)
01. 新娘潭至純陽峰 (555 hits)
**湘子峰一覽((((Video)))) (357 hits)
02. 純陽峰下山至新娘潭 (446 hits)
map (299 hits)
浪茄camp 2013 (643 hits)
Day 01 (443 hits)
Day 02 (380 hits)
涌背camp 2013 (643 hits)
Day 01 (404 hits)
Day (354 hits)
Night (393 hits)
**蟋蟀((((Video)))) (327 hits)
Day 02 (410 hits)
新娘潭,烏蛟騰,山火瞭望台,芬箕托,吊燈籠,九擔租 (612 hits)
01. 新娘潭,烏蛟騰,山火瞭望台 (402 hits)
02. 芬箕托,吊燈籠 (420 hits)
**芬箕托((((Video)))) (442 hits)
03. 九擔租, 烏蛟騰, 新娘潭 (383 hits)
赤徑camp 2012 (686 hits)
西貢五塊田,上洋山,下洋山,釣魚翁山腰,田下山,大廟灣,清水灣二灘 (777 hits)
01. 西貢五塊田,上洋山,下洋山,釣魚翁山腰,田下山 (415 hits)
02. 大廟灣,清水灣二灘 (425 hits)
貝澳camp (931 hits)
1st day (548 hits)
2nd day (529 hits)
荃錦拗camp (773 hits)
Day 01 (553 hits)
Day (553 hits)
夜 (640 hits)
Day 02 (542 hits)
坑下莆-北大刀屻(牛牯嶺行山徑)-大刀屻-嘉道理農場 (1126 hits)
01. 坑下莆-北大刀屻(牛牯嶺行山徑) (902 hits)
**P1260062北大刀屻((((Video)))) (569 hits)
02. 大刀屻 (590 hits)
03. 大刀屻落嘉道理農場 (570 hits)
Map (388 hits)
水浪窩camp2011 (1013 hits)
大東山2011(18號屋) (791 hits)
Day 01 (918 hits)
01. 上山 (673 hits)
02. 屋內 (558 hits)
03. 屋外 (678 hits)
04. 日落 (558 hits)
05. Dinner & 夜景 (526 hits)
Day 02 (907 hits)
01. 日出 (550 hits)
02. 早餐,午餐及玩樂 (564 hits)
03. 落山及晚餐 (574 hits)
蒲台島camp (925 hits)
Day 01 (939 hits)
01. 碼頭至觀日亭 (533 hits)
02. 觀日亭至巫氐鬼屋 (592 hits)
03. 蒲台學校至蒲台妹記士多 (732 hits)
04. 蒲台妹記士多至僧人石 (599 hits)
05. 燈塔及營地日落 (634 hits)
06. 夜及dinner (636 hits)
Day 02 (886 hits)
01. 早餐及離開 (557 hits)
02. 佛手岩至碼頭 (627 hits)
03. 赤柱 (560 hits)
貝澳camp2011 (1054 hits)
Day 01 (808 hits)
Day 02 (668 hits)
赤徑末日camp (1200 hits)
赤徑camp 2011 (1106 hits)
日 (735 hits)
夜 (631 hits)
第二朝 (613 hits)
大東山2010(14號屋) (898 hits)
Day 01 (922 hits)
outside (620 hits)
室內 (469 hits)
other (457 hits)
Day 02 (927 hits)
早餐 (533 hits)
離開 (533 hits)
貝澳宿營 (1196 hits)
水浪窩camp2010 (1789 hits)
貝澳camp2010 (1071 hits)
Day 01 (591 hits)
Beach (597 hits)
Eat & Night (507 hits)
Day 02 (653 hits)
浪茄camp2010 (1086 hits)
Day01 (744 hits)
到步及lunch (642 hits)
浪茄左手邊 (641 hits)
浪茄沙灘 (524 hits)
黃昏 (530 hits)
晚餐及夜晚 (518 hits)
Day02 (625 hits)
黎明 (564 hits)
浪茄沙灘好天氣 (591 hits)
Lunch及離開 (513 hits)
破邊洲及水壩 (667 hits)
鹿頸-鎖羅盆-荔枝窩-三椏涌camp (1361 hits)
鹿頸,鳳坑,谷埔 (927 hits)
谷埔,榕樹凹村 (813 hits)
榕樹凹村,鎖羅盆 (815 hits)
鎖羅盆,荔枝窩,三椏村 (1209 hits)
三椏村,三椏涌,上下苗田,九手旦,烏蛟騰 (867 hits)
荔枝莊camp (1057 hits)
Day01 (646 hits)
Day (629 hits)
Dusk (601 hits)
Night (532 hits)
Day02 (660 hits)
大東山爛頭營2009(大東山16號屋) (1525 hits)
Day 01 (721 hits)
01. 山腳行上山 (769 hits)
02. 16號屋 (580 hits)
日 (527 hits)
夜 (606 hits)
03. 屋外景 (524 hits)
04. 大霧至天池 (720 hits)
05. 黃昏 (586 hits)
食 (529 hits)
Lunch (468 hits)
Dinner (543 hits)
Day 02 (571 hits)
01. 日出(起唔到身,所以d相唔係我影的,哈) (421 hits)
02. 早午餐 (614 hits)
03. 屋外 (541 hits)
04. 落山(南山,嶼南路,梅窩) (640 hits)
05. 晚餐 (484 hits)
紅梅谷,城門水塘,石籬石排街 (1385 hits)
川龍至城門 (1400 hits)
川龍村端記茶樓 (904 hits)
川龍至城門 (874 hits)
新村街嘉樂冰廳 (873 hits)
貝澳camp2009 (1629 hits)
大灘Camp2009 (1472 hits)
大潭至大浪 (1820 hits)
鳥蛟騰-黃竹角咀 (1872 hits)
01. 烏蛟騰 (755 hits)
02. 下苗田 (800 hits)
03. 大峒 (851 hits)
04. 觀音峒 (821 hits)
05. 鹿湖峒 (774 hits)
06. 黃竹角咀 (992 hits)
07. 紅石門村 (2868 hits)
08. 烏蛟騰 (2173 hits)
Map (730 hits)
貝澳camp (2515 hits)
沙灘及蜆 (1434 hits)
食 (907 hits)
Other (728 hits)
西貢怡庭營地(Aug08) (1236 hits)
西貢怡庭營地(Jun08) (1722 hits)
Day (1118 hits)
鯽魚湖 (918 hits)
Night (779 hits)
Eat (827 hits)
大灘Camp2008 (822 hits)
流水響camp (1184 hits)
荃錦坳camp (1146 hits)
大東山爛頭營2008(大東山14號屋) (1662 hits)
Outside (953 hits)
室外好天氣 (1008 hits)
天池 (771 hits)
Geocaching (574 hits)
大東山至梅窩 (656 hits)
Inside (998 hits)
大東山14號屋 (1001 hits)
Eat (729 hits)
東龍島 (2051 hits)
三家村碼頭往東龍島 (1099 hits)
東龍島 (1747 hits)
大浪西灣宿營 (1782 hits)
浪茄2007 (2003 hits)
水底 (627 hits)
大灘 (2177 hits)
短片 (0 hits)
大東山爛頭營(大東山18號屋) (12085 hits)
上山至黃昏 (4748 hits)
室內 (5012 hits)
日頭 (4684 hits)
長咀 (1829 hits)
赤徑 (1447 hits)
蚺蛇灣 (1387 hits)
浪茄 (967 hits)
荔枝莊 (1067 hits)
水浪窩 (950 hits)
深涌 (1209 hits)
蒲台島 (1597 hits)
白沙澳-荔枝莊 (1419 hits)
籮箕灣camp (4082 hits)
衛奕信3段 (1134 hits)
塔門 (1246 hits)
東灣 (1083 hits)
大浪西 (720 hits)
赤徑至大浪 (880 hits)
北潭涌至西灣亭 (1616 hits)
大嶼山八公拗 (815 hits)
企嶺下 至 荔枝莊 (1000 hits)
沙羅洞 (1009 hits)
香港 (11715 hits)
永樂園茶餐廳 (304 hits)
銅鑼灣禮頓道舊鋪 (618 hits)
教堂鐘聲茶粿香 – 鹽田梓悠遊行 及 西貢碼頭 (585 hits)
01. 船入及離開鹽田梓,西貢碼頭 (475 hits)
**西貢海鮮船((((Video)))) (302 hits)
02. 碼頭,村公所,鹽田(遠),竹筒飯,客家屋 (268 hits)
03. 神父故居,澄波學校 (403 hits)
04. 聖若瑟小堂及附近舊屋,活泉井 (278 hits)
05. 山頂小徑 (264 hits)
06. 玉帶橋,紅樹林,鹽田(近) (251 hits)
07. 客家茶粿 (402 hits)
**鹽田梓茶粿((((Video)))) (478 hits)
Other (328 hits)
長春社-魔鬼山軍事秘境團 (758 hits)
01. 油塘上魔鬼山 (411 hits)
02. 魔星巔,歌賦炮台 (712 hits)
03. 魔鬼山陵堡 (418 hits)
04. 魔鬼山陵堡(子堡),砵甸乍炮台入口,輋頂村 (365 hits)
05. 鯉魚門村 (438 hits)
map (452 hits)
石籬坪麗徑坪富徑 (735 hits)
01. 坪麗徑 (465 hits)
02. 坪富徑 (433 hits)
03. 青山公路葵涌段 (374 hits)
04. 大隴街,打磚坪街 (420 hits)
新解禁邊境生態遊 (753 hits)
01. 大頭嶺村,松伯朗村,石上河 (447 hits)
02. 江夏世居(客家圍村) (504 hits)
03. 天光甫,塱原濕地 (383 hits)
**塱原濕地((((Video)))) (300 hits)
04. 雙魚河,河上鄉,排峰古廟,居石侯公祠 (343 hits)
05. 松園,羅湖懲教所,梧桐河 (476 hits)
06. 羅湖火車站,得月樓警崗,深圳河 (378 hits)
**悟桐河((((Video)))) (409 hits)
07. 禁區鐵網,得月樓村,料壆村 (345 hits)
08. 信義新村,馬草壟村,河套區 (574 hits)
**河套區((((Video)))) (351 hits)
09. 落馬洲村,下灣漁民新村,落馬洲瞭望台,落馬洲警署 (366 hits)
map (566 hits)
太平山,盧吉道,龍虎山郊遊徑,松林廢堡 (620 hits)
01. 太平山,盧吉道 (457 hits)
02. 龍虎山郊遊徑,松林廢堡 (563 hits)
03. 界石,落山,西環 (487 hits)
鯉魚門創意館-戲棚搭建(盂蘭-藍田配水庫&石梨街) (719 hits)
01. 鯉魚門創意館 戲棚搭建(盂蘭-藍田配水庫) (321 hits)
02. 戲棚搭建(盂蘭-石梨街) (438 hits)
地球之友惜飲惜食-蔬菜統營處 (617 hits)
香港災難講座 (705 hits)
香港史學會-消失了的最後市區圍村-衙前圍村 (1062 hits)
沙田排頭村 (652 hits)
華輝美瑤餐廳,大埔廣福道,香島專科學校,大埔墟車站 (755 hits)
香港警隊談判組的歷史與發展講座 (686 hits)
奇華閣咖啡餅店 & 另類經濟文化-閒談當押業 (713 hits)
01. 奇華閣咖啡餅店 (408 hits)
02. 另類經濟文化-閒談當押業 (603 hits)
英軍,難民,走私客鯉魚門歷史導賞團 (727 hits)
01. 鯉魚門村海邊, 巔南新村, 華嚴閣, 鯉魚門村, 源泉道, 啟蒙學校 (346 hits)
02. 海濱學校, 萬基科學陶瓷廠, 海邊走私地, 媽環村, 雨榮橋, 23號界石, 天后宮 (321 hits)
03. 媽背村, 石礦場 (383 hits)
紅磡寶石戲院 (607 hits)
油尖旺歷史圖片趣談講座 (1067 hits)
城門水塘 (688 hits)
**樹皮((((Video)))) (471 hits)
粉嶺圍太平洪朝 (565 hits)
Day 01 (607 hits)
01. 場地,祭品及平安符 (292 hits)
02. 拜祭,搶雞毛 (412 hits)
**拜祭,搶雞毛((((Video)))) (467 hits)
03. 扒船 (394 hits)
**扒船((((Video)))) (405 hits)
04. 啟壇,朝井神,誦關文 (299 hits)
**誦關文((((Video)))) (378 hits)
05. 化馬曹化關文 (417 hits)
**化馬曹化關文後的.......((((Video)))) (333 hits)
06. 祭煞,迎神歸位 (420 hits)
**祭煞,迎神歸位((((Video)))) (459 hits)
07. 貼人緣榜 (526 hits)
場外 (354 hits)
**場外((((Video)))) (378 hits)
Day 02 (620 hits)
01. 場地,問杯 (395 hits)
**問杯((((Video)))) (429 hits)
02. 劈五方,劈沙羅,朝首送燈,化榜文 (381 hits)
03. 送神 (437 hits)
**送神((((Video)))) (479 hits)
other (400 hits)
長春社 - 新春 屏山遊 盆菜宴 (602 hits)
01. 聚星樓,社壇,上璋圍,古井,楊侯古廟 (308 hits)
02. 仁敦岡書室,五桂書室,聖軒公家塾 (404 hits)
03. 鄧氐宗祠,愈喬二公祠 (377 hits)
04. 覲廷書室 (503 hits)
05. 述卿書室 (379 hits)
06. 屏山盆菜 (389 hits)
長春社-訪古講古煤氣鼓.土產土制土瓜灣 (888 hits)
01. 益豐大廈, 天后廟, 海心廟,海心石, 海心公園, 鶴園發電廠, 卑利船廠舊 址 (389 hits)
02. 第一場鴉片戰爭之地, 九龍城碼頭, 龍津橋, 啟德濱, 偉恆昌, 香港火柴 廠, 東方報業舊址, 林過雲事件, 興華中心, 利華中心, 捷和電筒廠 (328 hits)
03. 煤氣鼓, 屠房, 十三街, 東方紗廠, 大同汽水屈臣史汽水港萬隆炮仗廠牛 骨廠牛皮廠舊址 (781 hits)
04. 北帝街北帝廟,二王殿村聖山邵氏片場大觀電影公司舊址, 聖三一堂 (431 hits)
Other (420 hits)
Old Map (424 hits)
香港史學會-長洲導賞團 (861 hits)
01. 南社(即土地),中興街, 花地瑪聖母堂, 浸信會堂, 朱遠德堂, 朱氐宗祠 (317 hits)
02. 北社, 新興街, 豫章草盧, 玉虛宮, 鐘錫熙長洲安老院,天后廟, 伊麗莎白二世郵筒 (372 hits)
**鐘錫熙長洲安老院((((Video)))) (518 hits)
03. 黃維則堂, 鶴佬巷, 東莞公祠, 長洲醫院, 古代石雕, 水月宮,關公宗義祠 (379 hits)
04. 長洲公立學校,中華便利會,佐治五世郵筒, 大社壇, 長洲方便醫院, 大新街&中興街舊路牌, 洪聖古廟 (411 hits)
05. 天后廟, 大石口碼頭, 圓桌村, 長洲義塚, 美經援村, 西灣天后廟 (419 hits)
06. 日落, 張保仔洞, 白鰽灣 (394 hits)
Other (456 hits)
拖網漁船 (700 hits)
Day 01 (513 hits)
01. 大埔魚類批發市場,船外及船倉環境 (310 hits)
02. 出發,收網及分魚 (408 hits)
03. 魚獲及儲存 (407 hits)
Day 02 (501 hits)
01. 早餐及船內環境 (412 hits)
02. 船外環境及小島 (406 hits)
**船外環境及小島((((Video)))) (371 hits)
03. 第二及第三次起網 (428 hits)
**漁獲((((Video)))) (364 hits)
04. 魚獲及收魚 (440 hits)
Other (371 hits)
八鄉蓮花地太平清醮 (789 hits)
01. 場地 (423 hits)
場外 (410 hits)
場內 (353 hits)
**八鄉蓮花地太平清醮-場內((((Video)))) (361 hits)
晚上 (365 hits)
02. 走赦書,三朝三懺 (467 hits)
03. 大士王收鬼及祭大幽 (444 hits)
**八鄉蓮花地太平清醮-祭大幽((((Video)))) (426 hits)
賽馬會鯉魚門創意館-打醮文化概述 (722 hits)
我與榕樹有個約會(廟街廿三號天台樹關注組) (694 hits)
從地圖看香港專題講座 (1156 hits)
藍地南安佛堂大聖佛祖誕 (822 hits)
秀茂坪大聖誕 (812 hits)
01. 大聖佛堂及事前參拜 (526 hits)
02. 儀式 (496 hits)
**儀式((((Video)))) (391 hits)
頌經 (342 hits)
神打 (402 hits)
舞麒麟 (270 hits)
Other (415 hits)
薄扶林火龍 (672 hits)
01. 事前工作 (409 hits)
02. 插香及準備儀式開始 (412 hits)
03. 儀式開始及第一次舞火龍,到李靈仙姐塔及西國大王廟參拜 (347 hits)
**儀式開始((((Video)))) (354 hits)
04. 火龍添香及第二次舞火龍,入村及到各村屋,各土地公參拜 (311 hits)
**火龍添香((((Video)))) (435 hits)
**火龍入村((((Video)))) (401 hits)
05. 第三次舞火龍,由馬路經華富村到瀑布灣進行送龍入海儀式 (345 hits)
**火龍到華富村口消防局((((Video)))) (362 hits)
**送龍入海((((Video)))) (389 hits)
坪洲 (783 hits)
01. 觀音廟,哪吒廟,坪洲仙姊廟(七姐廟),大利島,坪洲墳場 (423 hits)
02. 天后宮,奉禁封船碑,金花廟,八卦古井,山頂村義祠 (308 hits)
03. 坪洲公立志仁學校,惠平學校,坪洲戲院, 祺森冰室 & Other (378 hits)
04. 東灣海灘,龍母廟,大中國火柴廠舊址&界石碑 (379 hits)
05. 道德善堂,圓通講寺,手指山,坪洲勝利合記石灰窯廠 (471 hits)
地圖 (387 hits)
大坑舞火龍講座 & 大坑舞火龍紮龍工作坊 & 書院道4號及蓮花宮 (677 hits)
01. 大坑舞火龍講座 (780 hits)
02. 大坑舞火龍紮龍工作坊 (781 hits)
01. 示範 (462 hits)
**大坑紮龍示範((((Video)))) (310 hits)
紮龍部分 (486 hits)
插香部分 (423 hits)
舞龍頭示範 (412 hits)
02. 習作 (368 hits)
03. 書院道4號及蓮花宮 (655 hits)
盂蘭勝會2012 (1240 hits)
2012-08-18(初二) (601 hits)
東頭村盂蘭勝會 (749 hits)
筲箕灣南安坊坊眾會 (677 hits)
場地 (476 hits)
破地獄(全真) (460 hits)
九龍城&東頭村 (512 hits)
2012-08-19(初三) (551 hits)
石籬石蔭安蔭潮僑盂蘭勝會 (933 hits)
香港仔黃竹坑鴨利洲華富街坊盂蘭勝會 (659 hits)
香港仔黃竹坑鴨利洲華富街坊盂蘭勝會 (427 hits)
**十供((((Video)))) (405 hits)
大王爺廟&南朗山道熟食市場 (402 hits)
赤柱街坊福利會盂蘭勝會 (671 hits)
赤柱街坊福利會盂蘭勝會 (446 hits)
天后古廟&赤柱郵局 (460 hits)
粉嶺潮僑盂蘭勝會 (709 hits)
場地 (433 hits)
瑜珈焰口 (401 hits)
化大士 (432 hits)
**化寶((((Video)))) (376 hits)
派米,晚飯,潮劇,福品競投 (349 hits)
**晚飯場地((((Video)))) (418 hits)
北斗 (433 hits)
散旗 (462 hits)
**散旗((((Video)))) (399 hits)
Part.01 (374 hits)
Part.02 (453 hits)
Part.03 (388 hits)
Part.04 (405 hits)
Part01-04合輯 (449 hits)
2012-08-20(初四) (541 hits)
牛頭角潮僑盂蘭勝會 (549 hits)
**場地((((Video)))) (406 hits)
筲箕灣南安坊坊眾會 (573 hits)
攝召過橋 (475 hits)
**攝召過橋((((Video)))) (363 hits)
落包山&場地 (407 hits)
2012-08-21(初五) (505 hits)
慈雲山竹園鳳德潮僑街坊盂蘭勝會 (772 hits)
順天街坊盂蘭勝會 (893 hits)
2012-08-22(初六) (487 hits)
李鄭屋麗閣潮籍盂蘭勝會 (654 hits)
場地 (414 hits)
瑜珈焰口 (406 hits)
祭好兄弟 (424 hits)
**祭好兄弟((((Video)))) (337 hits)
鹿尾村惠州同鄉 (556 hits)
順天街坊盂蘭勝會 (548 hits)
**送斗((((Video)))) (448 hits)
2012-08-23(初七) (483 hits)
荃灣潮僑盂蘭勝會 (706 hits)
2012-08-26(初十) (472 hits)
華富盂蘭勝會 (476 hits)
01. 華景樓 (634 hits)
**華景樓-破地獄((((Video)))) (405 hits)
mov-破地獄Part.01 (340 hits)
mov-破地獄Part.02 (361 hits)
02. 華生樓 (557 hits)
**華生樓-破地獄((((Video)))) (392 hits)
03. 華泰樓 (512 hits)
04. 華昌樓 (429 hits)
華昌樓盂蘭勝會 (674 hits)
**華昌樓-破地獄((((Video)))) (369 hits)
華昌樓 (423 hits)
2012-08-27(十一) (458 hits)
西區常豐里老福德宮聯誼會盂蘭勝會 (349 hits)
西區常豐里老福德宮聯誼會盂蘭勝會 (572 hits)
正街舊樓(德輔道西207號) (622 hits)
潮州南安堂福利協進會盂蘭勝會 (613 hits)
2012-08-28(十二) (435 hits)
順安街坊盂蘭勝會 (584 hits)
藍田潮僑街坊盂蘭勝會 (546 hits)
2012-08-29(十三) (499 hits)
觀塘潮僑工商界盂蘭勝會 (557 hits)
秀茂坪潮僑街坊盂蘭勝會 (656 hits)
**選總理((((Video)))) (382 hits)
香港天神老爺盂蘭勝會 (716 hits)
香港仔石排灣海陸豐盂蘭勝會 (573 hits)
場地 (426 hits)
化寶,謝天地,送神,化大士 (403 hits)
拆包山 (347 hits)
2012-08-30(十四) (537 hits)
香港仔田灣華貴華富潮僑坊眾盂蘭勝會 (705 hits)
香港仔水陸居民聯合社中元勝會 (659 hits)
香港惠陽大洲水陸居民盂蘭勝會 (622 hits)
油麻地旺角區四方街潮僑街坊盂蘭勝會 (956 hits)
土瓜灣大環山盂蘭勝會 (626 hits)
紅磡三約潮僑街坊盂蘭勝會 (671 hits)
2012-08-31(十五) (506 hits)
坪洲中元建醮 (631 hits)
01.場地及天后宮 (402 hits)
場地 (421 hits)
天后宮 (373 hits)
02.走午朝 (293 hits)
儀式前 (283 hits)
走午朝 (296 hits)
前半部份 (308 hits)
**走午朝前半部份((((Video)))) (368 hits)
後半部份 (291 hits)
**走午朝後半部份((((Video)))) (377 hits)
03.穿包及派米 (421 hits)
04.走龍船 (299 hits)
前半部份 (330 hits)
**走龍船前半部份((((Video)))) (344 hits)
後半部份 (308 hits)
**走龍船後半部份((((Video)))) (344 hits)
05.放生 (425 hits)
**放生((((Video)))) (334 hits)
06.天席及包山 (412 hits)
日 (409 hits)
**大士王背朝天席((((Video)))) (331 hits)
夜 (415 hits)
**天席場地((((Video)))) (374 hits)
07.蒙山施食&搶孤 (415 hits)
**蒙山施食((((Video)))) (373 hits)
**搶孤((((Video)))) (330 hits)
08.化大士、落包山 (454 hits)
**化大士((((Video)))) (417 hits)
坪洲悅龍聖苑盂蘭勝會 (714 hits)
2012-09-01(十六) (459 hits)
深水步石硤尾白田潮僑盂蘭勝會 (666 hits)
九龍城潮僑街坊盂蘭勝會 (737 hits)
請神遊行 (492 hits)
**請神遊行((((Video)))) (333 hits)
場內 (406 hits)
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